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No one POV
The maid immediately went to find Jisoo.
As she was really scared that she would be killed by them but mostly by him, she tried to find Jisoo as soon as possible.

She ran towards all the places where Jisoo could be.

She found her cleaning the furniture.

She ran towards and started taking heavy breaths.

Jisoo got startled by the sudden action by her.

The maid told Jisoo that Jin wanted to meet her.

When Jisoo heard this she got shocked to the extent that she could not even walk.

After hearing that the maid was trying to gain her attention Jisoo came to her senses.

She asked where he was waiting for her.

The maid told her where he was standing.

Jisoo started walking fo where she was supposed to go. More like called.

'Everything will be okay.. Everything will be okay..'

She saw him leaning on the wall waiting for her.

She stopped walking and looked at him. She thought of running away. She even turned around ready to run but then it hit her that what if he found out that she ran away.

What would he do to her?!

Taking a deep breathe she walked towards.

She was next to him and bowed down to him.

"Y-You called me, Sir?"

When she looked up she saw him smirking and staring right at her eyes.

Jisoo got very nervous not knowing why he had called her here.

"So you decided to stay?"

Jisoo looked at him wide eyed. That was the moment when she realized that she forgot that vampires can hear humans heart beat.

He laughed "If you ran away then I bet your condition would be pitiful. You make good decisions."

She simply just nooded her head.

"Don't be afraid. If you do this one thing I tell you then belive me I'll let you go....unharmed."

A chill went down her spine when she heard that.

"W-What w-would that be s-sir?"

"Tell me, did you fill that new maid's application form?"


"Well hand me that now."

"O-okay sir."

While Jisoo started walking fast she heard Jin yell.

"Hurry up. I don't like waiting."

She gulped hard and continued walking.

'Poor Y/n, she already got noticed by the king.'

She reached the library where she put the form in one of the file. She removed Y/n's application form.

She took it in her hand giving it a last glance.

She sighed and then started walking ready to give it to him.

She felt suspicious about why he would ask for her form but she just shrugged it off.

Reaching towards him she gave him the form.

He gave a quick glance at it.

Bowing down, Jisoo asked "Anything else sir?"

"No. Very well then I'll leave. Thank you." saying that he left taking the paper in his hand.

Jisoo stood there frozen at her spot until his figure disappeared.

She felt a wash of relief when she saw his figure gone.

Now the question in her mind was

Why did he ask for her application?! They could have just killed her. But didn't!! There has to be some reason for that!


Eh, it's sorta short. Sry 😅.

Bye 👋

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Bye 👋

Loveallofyaa ❤️❤️

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