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I started cleaning after that incident. No one even looked at me. They all started ignoring me. It's not like I can blame them too. I did talk back to the great king.

I eventually found out that he was the king.

I really fucked up...

I put my hand on my chest feeling my heartbeat and yes it was fast. After what happened I'm just scared. I should have just shut up.

I was busy thinking until Jisoo called me.


I turned around to look at her. I could tell by her expressions that she's as shocked as I am.

"Y/n it's okay. I know your thinking a lot but just relax. Everything will be just fine. Just remember I am with you. I think you need some time yourself." saying that she turned and left me there.

That moment i was hurt.
Those words hurt.
That memory...

I still remember what he told me. Even if i was young, I remembered what he said.

"Don't worry sister. I'll find you. Everything will be just fine. Remember I'm with you.But now I have to go. Wait for me."

His words still ring in my head. It hurt me. Whenever I remembered him, I just felt lonely.

He didn't keep his word. I felt like crying beacuse I always felt as if no one wants to be with me.

That, everything and everyone hates me.

I actually did have hope but I lost all of it. So many years have passed that I believe that he even forgot that he has sister who cares for him.

So I left and always thought of starting a new life. A life where maybe just someone can care for me.

I wonder when life will give me
Even though I'm a maid I felt happy to be surrounded by a few nice people but now I feel devastate to realize that now no one will talk to me normally anymore.

I messed up on my first day.

I am now just waiting for this day to end and when will I just go to sleep.

Thinking that, I finally strated to do my job. Cleaning and minding my own business.

As usual....Nothing's new...

I started walking while thinking for a way to find information about this new maid.

I wonder what Taehyung will do to her.

It has been a long time since he has found interest in torturing someone so who the hell am I to stop him? Besides who can stop him?

Forgetting about that, I called a maid and asked if she had seen the incident that took place in the main hall. 

She said she had. I asked if she had seen anyone fill her form. She replied by saying maybe a maid called Jisoo helped her fill her form.

Now the real question is....
Who the hell is Jisoo?

Was that new maid less of an issue that now she came up?

I asked the maid who I was talking with to bring Jisoo over her.

"And I want you two to hurry up because I'm waiting here. If you come late than expected... you know what I can do with you."

I know it left an effect on her which was sort if good. Now i just have to wait.


Loveallofyaa ❤️

Loveallofyaa ❤️

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