Chapter Four

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Tyler's POV

Oh god. I can feel all these butterflies swirling around my body, making me completely flustered and tongue-tied. I don't even know how a random stranger I've just met can do this to me. All of a sudden, the guy froze.

"Are you okay?" I asked, worried, due to the pure shock clearly displayed on this guy's face. His eyes were clouded with confusion, and his mouth hung open.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, thanks... actually, I gotta go, bye!" He said it all at once, as if he was in a rush. Or maybe he just wanted to get away from me. Hmm. I don't know.

I raised my eyebrows, then continued heading back home. Home to her. My wonderful girlfriend. I got to the apartment, to find Jenna cooking homemade pizza, dancing to One Direction. I snuck up behind her, and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Miss me?" A cocky smirk made its way onto her face, whilst her eyes lit up with mischief. 

"Not as much as you missed me, I'm sure." I had to concede, my dreary days at work were only made worthwhile by the fact that I was going home to someone like her.

"True." She smiled, and I instantly felt the swirling rush of emotion that some people may call love. Jenna was my everything, and I adored every part of her.  I proceeded to tell her about my day, carefully omitting any mention of the red-haired stranger.

It's not that I'm afraid of her, I just don't want Jenna to be upset, or think that I'm not completely devoted to her. Which I am. Obviously. I mean, people can look at attractive people. It's just human nature. Biology and all that stuff, I think.

She finished cooking the pizza, and we settled down to eat. As I watched her cut the pizza with a knife and fork, I smiled to myself, mostly about how quirky she is, but a lot about how lucky I was that she was mine.

"What's got that dopey smile on your face?" Jenna giggled, the most adorable confused look on her face. Her eyebrows were scrunched together, lips turned up in a half-smirk, eyes bright.

"You." I answered, and she blushed in response, the most adorable reply I could've gotten. Not as adorable as that guy-no. Stop it, I tell my traitorous brain. His soulmate is just someone with the same initials as you, okay? Nothing more. I am totally devoted to Jenna, I knew the day I met her. The day I saw my initials on her wrist, and hers on mine.

After that, we just sat in a comfortable silence and ate our pizza. Once finished, we went and sat in our small living room, snuggled together, just tuning out the city sounds, life and worries. It were

"Donnie Darko?" Not that I don't love that movie, but Jenna has some weird obsession with horror/psychotic films. I think it's a masochistic streak, though, because she always gets terrified by them.

"Jennaaaaa, you know I hate horror movies!" I really don't, but I don't want her getting all freaked if we watch something remotely scary. I put on my pouty face and whined, I know she can't resist it.

"Fine. Maleficent?" I grin, a slightly scary Disney movie is better than no Disney movie. We settled down, our bodies merged as one, as we watched the movie. This is like my perfect night. The movie finished, and I yawned while stretching. God, I'm tired.

I grab my phone, and go on Tumblr. One more thing that Jenna just doesn't get about me. It can be annoying, when I'm trying to blog, and she's always asking what I'm doing. She's not an internet kid. But opposites attract, right?

She went over to the computer in the half office and half storage room, to look for recent job offers. She's just got a bad streak with keeping a job, and she's really upset about it. I hope she finds something soon, because I don't think we'll be able to survive with just my income alone.

I went to our bedroom, and grabbed my laptop. YouTube is something that I love. I put on some new music, a weird mixture of 5SOS, 1D, and All Time Low. Music is kinda my escape. Again, something I don't think Jenna would understand. But I'm desperate to make it. I have to. It's my dream. 

The worst part of not telling my partner about my dream is the fact that I have to hide it. Combined with a distinct lack of money, our most valuable possessions are the iMac and my Macbook Air. We can't afford a keyboard, or a microphone. But, we're happy. My dream can wait.

After humming along to various songs for around an hour, I shut off my laptop, and got into bed. If I could, I would be online all night. But, unfortunately, bills must be paid, and that means waking up at 7am every morning other than Friday and Saturday, my days off. And with those lovely thoughts, I drifted off to sleep, images of soulmates and tattoos gracing my dreams...

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