Chapter Fifteen

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Tyler's POV

The front door burst open. I started, having been almost asleep on the sofa, I was suddenly awake and alert. My heart racing in my chest, I turned my head towards the door. I visibly deflated when I saw the "intruder".


She rushed to my side, practically shaking. I looked away, not wanting to see her. A sigh escaped her lips, and she reached out a finger to gently move my face so that it was right next to hers.

"Tyler..." She said it softly, in amazement that I had even stayed in the room that long. My lips trembled as I looked at her unkempt form. It looked as if she'd been crying, her eyes were tired and hair messy. A loving hand took mine, and I melted under her touch. Yes, I was weak, but what else is there when you're in love?

"I'm so sorry, babe. I don't know what came over me. I shouldn't have yelled at you, I just-" She broke off, tears threatening to spill over onto her rosy cheeks. There was an indescribable pain in my chest, and I felt like I'd do anything to ease the pain she and I were both feeling.

"It's okay. I love you." Jenna burrowed her head into the crook of my shoulder, and I felt her lips upturn in a smile against my bare skin. I drew comfort in her presence and the warmth of her body against mine.

We stayed that way for a long time, the sun had risen slightly in the sky by the time we could even bear to be separated. Wordlessly, I threw on a shirt, and we headed out the door. Jenna seemed to have a clear idea of where she wanted to go, and I followed blindly, trusting the happiness emanating from her smile.

We stopped at a small coffee shop on the corner of a quiet street. That was where we'd had our first date. The waitress smiled at us, obviously remembering the many times we'd come here, so naive and in love. Things had changed. Don't get me wrong, I still loved her, but things had just...changed.

I'd changed, she'd changed, we just weren't the same. I could never leave her, but I wasn't as blindly in love as I used to be. Jenna stopped at the small table in the corner, and pulled out the comfy chair that I always sat in. I smiled up at her as she pushed my chair in before sitting in the one opposite. The sun was illuminating her face and casting shadows over her figure.

"Why did you go out clubbing?" My wavering voice broke our comfortable silence, and Jenna's head whipped towards me. Her mouthed opened and closed like a fish as she tried to find the words to try to explain the actions that hurt me so much.

"Why did you hurt me like that? I was crying so much, and you didn't give a shit! You left to go get smashed with your friends!" I kept my voice low, not wanting to draw attention to the pain I was feeling inside and the possible deterioration of my relationship.

"No, babe, no. I was just so upset, I wasn't thinking straight. You are the most important person in my life, and I never meant to hurt you, but sometimes I act before I realize what I'm doing. I hate seeing you in pain, and trust me, it hurt me too, to walk out that door. I love you so much, I can't live without you."

A small smile rose on my face, breaking into a massive beam as she softly pressed his lips to the back of my hand in a tender gesture. My cheeks burst into flame and my heart raced faster than I could ever remember it doing.

This is what it was like before. When she would surprise me. When she would take me on random dates, not telling me where we were going, but always managing to make it absolutely incredible and romantic.


It was mine and Jenna's second date. Our first had been amazing, she was gorgeous, witty, funny, creative, and intelligent, all of which were qualities that I admired and was attracted to.

There was just something about her, she was so mysterious and yet so open at the same time. How she was even real, I honestly didn't know.

A faint knock sounded on the door, and I shot up, already knowing that it was her. I opened the door and there she stood, dressed in a dashing black pencil dress. She ran a hand through her beautifully styled hair, biting her deep red lip in a way that was just so attractive. She held out her hand for me, and I gratefully took it as she lead me to sit in the front seat of the car.

"So, where are we going?" She just smirked, and told me that it was for her to know and for me to find out. The top of the classy convertible was down, and the wind rushed through my previously styled hair.

"Jenna!" I shrieked, "my hair is going to be absolutely ruined! I'm going to look awful!"

"Babe, nothing could ever make you look awful." The sincere tone in her voice made the compliment all the more believable and I blushed, not wanting her to know how much an off-hand comment from her really meant to me.

"Smooth stuff." She chuckled, and I smiled at the happiness in her voice. The streets of the illuminated city rushed past, and slowly the stars became more visible as we left the pollution and fog behind.

We pulled up, after a hellishly long drive, at a small outcropping of rock near the coast. It was beautiful. The moon shone through the thin clouds, and stars glowed brighter than any I'd ever seen.

"Do you like it?" Her eyes were clouded with worry, and I just felt amazement that someone as wonderful as Jenna could be as unsure of herself as she was.

"I love it," I assured. She looked deep into my eyes, and smiled lovingly.

"Well, I love you."

End Flashback

"Tyler? Babe?" I snapped back to reality, still dazed from the memories of happier, simpler times. Those moments had morphed into shouting, crying, and inescapable fake love.

"Yeah? Sorry, I zoned out for a minute there." She giggled at my shy tone, and I was taken back to when we were so in love. All couples have rough patches. We've been through ours numerous times, and maybe now we could go back to the way we used to be.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flurry of movement. Jenna was suddenly on one knee, my hand still entwined with hers.

"Tyler, my love. I've loved you since we met all those months ago at some random club in the middle of nowhere. Our first date, we sat in these very seats, still too shy and unsure of ourselves and each other to really say anything. Our second date, we drove to our special place up by the shore, and had a picnic. That was where I first said I love you."

By this time, a small crowd had gathered, and I had a slight inkling of what was happening. My heart was fluttering in the cage that was my chest, and my hands were shaking. Jenna continued, voice never unsteady, despite the mammoth-sized task in front of her.

"I never dreamed that I could meet someone as perfect as you. You, Tyler Robert Joseph, are incredible. You are stunning, your eyes the color of the deepest pool of melted chocolate. You're hilarious, and you make me feel happier every single day, as impossible as it seems to both you and I. You never give up on anything, and for that, I admire you so much. You're my rock, my anchor, and I could never live my life if you weren't here to light the way."

Tears were dripping down my face, but for once, they were good tears, happy ones. I knew that we were soulmates, so there really wasn't any need for her to propose, but the gesture was something that I could never forget.

"So, Tyler Joseph..."

The crowd held their breath, as did I, to be totally honest. It was happening. Were we really going to do this? Was I really going to do this?

"Will you marry me?"

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