Chapter Seven

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Josh's POV

As my alarm blared, I reached over to grab my glasses from the table next to my bed. My eyes flickered to my wrist, before I forcibly turned them to my phone in my hand. I had a message from Tyler.

My heart leapt slightly, before it sank back down to my stomach with the remembrance of the presence of Tyler's soulmate. But, could I be his soulmate?

I suppressed my ridiculous thoughts to the back of my mind, focusing instead on surviving the day ahead of me. The message just read, "hey." I internally debated with how to reply. Did I go for a similar "hi", or go for a perky "hiya!".

No, Josh, you do not say "hiya!"

What was this boy making me become? I eventually settled with a "hey", and padded over to the kitchen to grab my simple breakfast of cereal.

My phone pinged once again; it was Tyler asking if we could hang out. I replied with a "yeah, sure", and quickly tried to compose myself, whilst making both myself and the apartment presentable.

Jesus, Josh, he's a strictly platonic friend coming over to chill, not the goddamn Queen of England. I was acting like a squealing, lovestruck, 12 year old girl. Get a grip.

All mature thoughts were disregarded as the doorbell rang, setting my face alight, but for what reason though? I wasn't quite sure. I opened the door to find Tyler staring down at me, biting his lip slightly. Oh my god, if he does that anymore, I swear I'll jump him right then and there.

"H-hi Tyler, come in." My cheeks were burning, and I honestly don't know how he didn't pick up on it. Maybe he did, ugh, I don't know.

We sank down into my couch, a perfectly respectable distance away from each other. We grinned uncomfortably at each other, still slightly uneasy in each other's presence, until Tyler blurted out,

"Do you like Disney movies?"

He covered his mouth, seemingly mortified, but I quickly jumped on that train of thought, and proceeded to happily talk about Frozen for an hour and a half. Smooth and suave, Josh, smooth and suave.

We ate a nutritious lunch of microwaveable burritos, all the while scrolling through Tumblr. Tyler's Tumblr was amazing! Obviously it wasn't as incredible as mine, but hey, every hottie has their flaws.

We soon resumed scrolling through Tumblr and laughing at various GIFs.

"Hey, what time is it?" Tyler looks at me, with a weird look in his eyes. God, I hope he didn't have to leave. Okay, I'm getting way too attached to his presence. This is not a good thing. There are just too many reasons why it would never work. One being the fact that he already has a soulmate! I am way too thirsty for my own good.

"Umm, it's 7:37. Do you have to leave?" Way to sound like a desperate loser, Josh.

"I think Jenna is on her way to pick me up." So that's her name. Jenna. Wow, I already hate her.

Negative thoughts are not healthy, Josh, they will give you wrinkles. But seriously, I hate the name Jenna. Sounds like a wannabe stripper.

"Oh, okay." I'm officially the saddest person alive. Why must I exist. Oh yeah, to ogle hot guys I can never have. My eyes glazed over, but I was sadly snapped back to reality by the ear-splitting beep from a car horn.

"That'll be her. Thanks for having me Josh." "You're welcome, I'll walk you out." I stood up, clearly indicating to Tyler that he had no choice in the matter. Okay, I wanted to meet this Jenna.

Just to...assess the competition?

No, bad thoughts. We went down to meet her in a comfortable silence. As Tyler saw Jenna, his eyes lit up and a huge grin stretched across his face. My own, admittedly fake, smile dropped a little when I saw that. I mean, they're obviously meant to be, how could anyone dispute that?

Jenna slowly got out of her car and sauntered over to us. She grabbed Tyler in a bone-crushing hug, and looked me up and down with some half-leer, half-smirk on her ever so symmetrical face.

"You must be Josh. I'm Jenna." She grabbed my hand just a little too hard, with that same smirk still adorning her face. I'd been prepared to mildly dislike her, but for some reason, I had a burning, passionate hatred for everything about her. I don't know why. It's not like I like Tyler in that way or anything. We're just friends.

"Hi, nice to meet you." I smiled tightly, her protective arm around Tyler really got to me. I really don't like this girl. Oh well. Jenna quickly bundled Tyler into their car, the words of my goodbyes still on my lips. Another opportunity wasted.

Opportunity for what though, I'm not sure.

I wanted to message Tyler straight away, but I didn't. I was just so unsure around him. He was nothing like anyone I'd ever been interested in before. Except I'm not interested in him. I can't be.

The Tattoo // Joshler AUWhere stories live. Discover now