Chapter Six

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Tyler's POV

I blinked and tried to open my sleepy eyes. It burned. The light of a thousand suns was coming through my window.


But, luckily for me, the sunlight illuminated the sleeping features of Jenna, making her look around five times prettier than she already was.

My movement roused her, and she looked up at me, morning hair sticking up in ten different directions. I smiled, softly chuckling at the adorable expression on her face.  I somehow managed to extract myself from the warm cocoon of blankets to go and make pancakes.

Standing in the kitchen, my mind once again wandered off to the guy. The guy with the red hair. The guy with my initials on his wrist. No, Tyler. Seriously. Unhealthy thoughts.

After I finished cooking our pancakes, I settled into my typical browsing position, slumped into the sofa with Jenna at the other end.

Just as I was getting sucked into the dark depths of Tumblr, my familiar ringtone went off. 

"Tyler! You alright?" It was Chase, a close internet friend of mine. We met on Tumblr like ten months ago, and we're really close in real life now, considering he lives in LA too. 

"Chase! Yeah, I'm good, how's the Ryan life going?" Jenna looked over with a curious look, so I just mouthed 'Chase' and she shrugged and focused on the TV again.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good. Hey, I'm having a party at mine tonight, can you make it?" I looked at Jenna, knowing she'll be out with some friends, and thought, yeah. 

"Yeah I'll be there. What time?" 

"Starts at 8. See you then." I grinned, excited to see all my friends. They were some of the most important people in my life, who helped me when I literally had nothing.

"Bye, Chase." He hung up, and I settled back into my normal position. Due to the fact that I'd only woken up at like 11am, and had been on Tumblr for what felt like 10 minutes, it was soon 6:30pm; I'd had no lunch and I had to get ready. 

After quickly grabbing a completely substantial meal of leftover pizza, I headed into the bathroom to get ready. As I stood in the shower, I wondered if I'd ever see the guy again. Probably not.

Not that I was interested in him or anything, I was just curious. I wanted to get to know him. In a completely platonic way, of course.

Standing in front of the mirror, I grabbed my hair products and restyled it slightly. I sprayed a little cologne, and, satisfied with the appearance of my face, I headed out into the bedroom to pick out an outfit.

I stood in front of my wardrobe, trying to pick something out of my limited clothing supply. Sadly, food and bill-paying is more important than looking fabulous. Eventually, I just settled for a pair of black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, and a black jacket.

I grabbed my shoes, and waved goodbye to Jenna as I walked out the door. The club was only a five minute walk from my house, so I was right on time. I waved to Chase and ran up to his sister, Debby, to give her a massive hug. She's a really close friend of mine now, and I don't know what I'd do without her. 

"Tyler!" She squealed, glee and happiness evident in her voice. I smile at her, as her boyfriend Spencer nodded hello to me, and wrapped his arms around her.

"Hi, Deb! You ready to party?" She nodded and we headed into the club as a group. We got a table at the back, where the air was freshest, and mostly just talked, taking the occasional shot or drink. All of a sudden, a blur came rushing towards our table.

"Debby! I'm so sorry I'm late, I fell asleep and I only just woke up!" My eyes lifted upwards to greet this new arrival when he suddenly turned around. I took in the dark eyes, red hair, and cheeky smile. It's him. The guy with my initials on his wrist.

"Hi!" He said perkily, leaning over to hug me. As our forms collided, a rush went through me. Not like when I hug Jenna. Shut up, evil Tyler's brain.

"Hi. I'm Tyler." I introduced myself quietly and with extreme awkwardness.

He just smiled and said,  "Nice to meet you. I'm Josh. Wait. You're the guy from the cafe, aren't you?" I just nodded, all of the random encounters flashing through my brain.

"I knew I recognized you! I'm so sorry for crashing into you as well, by the way!" He said it all in a rush, as if he was nervous. As if, Tyler. Wishful thinking much? 

We settled into our seats, I had Chase on my right, and the guy, Josh, on my left. Not bad Tyler, not bad. The night went on, and I slowly became more engrossed in mine and Josh's conversation. He was funny, sassy and really friendly. 

"-and the little douchebag had stolen my high hold, low shine product!" I burst out laughing, Josh's stories were just too funny! He chuckled, looking at me with a weird look in his eyes.

"You know, Tyler, I think we're gonna be really close friends." I smiled, a little uneasily, his tattoo still in the back of my mind. Eventually, we all got tired, and decided to head home.

Josh and I shared a parting hug, maybe a little longer than strictly platonic friends should be hugging. I don't know. Maybe it's the way his eyes light up when he was talking, or his extreme blush, or maybe even his laugh. He hates it, but I think it's adorable.

I think he's adorable.

Tyler. No. I don't know what it is, but I am undeniably, inexplicably drawn to Josh Dun. And I don't know how to control it. It was a weird feeling. I just wanted him to know who I was. And, as I lay in bed that night, I realized something.

I really didn't know if Jenna and I were meant to be.

Were we..?

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