#36 | Lover ✿ Gavin Reed x Android!reader ['Friend' P.2]

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Title: "Lover" ["Friend" P.2]

Pairing: Gavin Reed x Android!female reader

Warnings: swearing 


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For the umpteenth time that Friday night, a wave of nausea hit him

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For the umpteenth time that Friday night, a wave of nausea hit him. Gavin barely made it to the bathroom and to the toilet, and only had a few seconds to pull up the lid before he began retching whatever little thing still remained in his stomach from that night's dinner.

There were three things Gavin Reed absolutely hated in this world: smartasses or know-it-alls, being sick, and androids—although the last one he wasn't so sure of anymore. At the moment, the detective could only focus on his upset stomach, sore throat and dry mouth; all were clear symptoms of sickness, whether it was a cold, or the flu, or even something worse. He didn't care what it was; all he wanted was to get rid of it, but had no idea how to do so.

He spit into the toilet when he was done, did it in pure disgust and with a constant scowl on his face. He glared at what had previously been his stomach contents, now inside the toilet, and without a second thought flushed it. Gavin held onto the open lid of the toilet with one hand, as he still remained knelt in front of it, not really feeling like standing up yet. He cherished the welcomed moment of tranquillity, not feeling any kind of pain at all but pure relief after emptying his stomach.

The moment was short-lived.

Once again, he felt his stomach churn, threatening to make Gavin vomit again. But he was sure as hell now that he had nothing but emptiness in his stomach, nothing at all to let out. Still, another wave of nausea hit him, making him gag.

"Phck this shit...!" he tried shouting, but he was so weak that his voice barely made it out of his throat as a whisper-yell.

The soft, quiet rattle of bells drew his attention to the bathroom door then. Panther, his lovely Maine Coon, stood there silently while holding her favorite toy in her mouth—a white mouse. She wagged her tail playfully, but quickly stopped the motion when Gavin sent a glare in her direction. Not that he meant to do it.

The glare faded quickly from his face and his expression softened. "Not now, Panther..." Gavin managed to say loud enough for his cat to hear.

Panther stared at him attentively, tilted her head while still holding the mouse in her mouth. Her ears went down soon after, so did her tail. Slowly, almost reluctantly, Panther backed away and left Gavin alone by the toilet.

Gavin sighed heavily, closed his eyes tightly as he shook his head and held back the urge to gag again. Seeing his cat leave like that, so upset, made him feel even worse.

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