#9 | Carousel ✿ Luther x Fem!reader

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Requested: by justshygurl

Title: "Carousel"

Pairing: Luther x Human!female reader

Warnings: none


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Pirates' Cove wasn't exactly a nice place to be at, especially since it closed

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Pirates' Cove wasn't exactly a nice place to be at, especially since it closed. Yet that park was the only place they were able to find after Zlatko's car wasn't available anymore and left them stranded in the middle of nowhere.

Luther made sure Alice was okay while Kara went ahead and looked for shelter for the night. The only place that was of use was a big building that used to be a restaurant—compared to the other broken down and decrepit places she had found earlier, this one was surprisingly in good condition.

Once inside, Luther let go of Alice and went to make a fire in the fireplace. Luckily, he found what he needed quickly, and easily made the fire just in time, as Kara was already making a bed for Alice with some old curtains she found, and a cushion.

The tall android let the girls spend some minutes alone while he went to sit by one of the big windows, from where he was able to see everything. He could keep an eye out easily from there.

Kara soon joined him, sitting by the window as well. They both stayed quiet for a moment, just enjoying the crackling of the fire and the peaceful ambience that seemed to have come to accompany them at such a deserted place. It was nice for once—Luther couldn't help but smile as he realised how much better his life was now, than how it used to be when he was with Zlatko.

"Do you remember anything from your life, before Zlatko?" Kara's voice pulled him out of his train of thought just then.

Luther glanced at Kara, meeting her blue eyes in an instant. He shook his head, darting his eyes to look at the wall behind her in thought. "No... My model was designed to carry heavy loads. I might have been a longshoreman or a labourer..." he trailed off and looked down.

Kara remained silent, and then both androids looked at Alice at the same time—she was lying on her makeshift bed by the fire, peacefully sleeping. Luther couldn't help but smile again at the cute sight before he darted his eyes back to Kara again.

"But who I was doesn't matter anymore." He added, smiling slightly. "It wasn't really me..."

Kara smiled. "You're right. We weren't really ourselves before we woke up, were we?"

Luther shook his head. "Not really."

"... Do you know what you're going to do when you reach Canada, Luther?"

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