Chapter 29

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I can not believe he did this for me. I hug him and it felt so good. A smile grew on both of our faces.

" I'm glad i made you smile" he says cupping my chin, he then plants a soft kiss on my lips. We smile in between kissing.

"sorry to interrupt mr. baker but your reservations are in an hour, we must take you and ms. jasmine to the hotel" says the man that just opened a limo door. " babe... you did all this

just for me." I ask, i cant stop smiling. " you say it like its a problem, it was my pleasure to do all of this for you, my girl" he says taking my hand as we walk towards the limo. " after

you" he says. " don't look at my butt" i say with a chuckle as i hop in the limo. " i make no promises" he says with a smile following after me.

i get comfy and notice there is champaign and flowers, the same bouquet as last time. White roses with one pink rose. We wait 5 min as they pack our bags into the limo.

" i can not wait for you to see what i have planned for us" he says putting his arm around me." me either i just hope you didn't go crazy!"

I say with the smirk as i fiddle with his fingers. I notice the veins in his forearm....they are so sexy. " Okay mr and ms we are on our way to The W. " says the same older man as before. after honking, and short stops and red lights we make it.

The city was beautiful, it was crowded but a good crowded, so many faces so many stores so many taxi's all so unreal. We walk in the hotel, it was so beautiful, like something you see in the movies, just so unreal.

" This is insane!" i say looking around shocked. " good thing i brought my camera" says Ryan kissing the top of my head. We walk to the back to a check in counter. " hi, welcome to the W, how i can i help you two today?" says the perky lady at the test.

" yes hi, i booked a room for two" days ryan squeezing my hand a little bit. " two beds?" asks the lady. " one" says ryan looking down at me smiling. 'Oh boy' I thought in my head. I

mean we have had sex before so it's not really a big deal too me, but im so self conscious about my body. " last name?" says the lady. " Baker" says ryan. " alright Mr. and Mrs. Baker Here is your room key!, enjoy your stay!" says the lady. " thank you!"

we both say. As we walk towards the huge elevator door. " mrs. baker huh?" i say resting my head on his shoulder. " i like the sound of that" says Ryan smirking. I noticed the whole time we both didn't stop smiling,

we were so happy. The elevator doors open and we are welcomed by, gold and marble walls from top to bottom in the elevator. It looks glamorous. We walk in and the bel hop follows us with our bags. The doors re-open and we are on the fourth floor.

It was all so beautiful, like something you see in movies in Europe. We walk to the right of the elevator, a few ways down we reach our room, number 450 right at the end of the hall,

it must be amazing. " Here we go!" says Ryan about to slide the card key in the key slot. " 1....2...3" we say together as he pushes the door open. " oh my god" I say as my mouth drops.

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