Chapter 23 Nathan's Sadness?

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    No sooner, had Emma left than Nathan broke down in tears.  He felt like his whole life  is in ruins.  He feels sad to see her go!  He loves her so very much!  He decides he will do what it takes to keep in touch with her and to keep his promise to her as well.

     Nathan's mother became ill, and the doctors are not what to think.  They seem clueless as to what brought on such troubles with her health.  They run some test.  They discover she has some weak kidneys. She needs a kidney transplant or she may not make it. 

      Nathan is rather close to his mother.  He has been since his father left years ago and never came back.  He never told anyone since he did not want their pity.   Now, he is not sure what to do as his mother may die.  He cries about her poor health.   He is more upset, than he has been in years.

    Nathan's mothers condition gets worse everyday.  One day, he wakes up and she is no longer with him.  He can just tell she died peacefully in her sleep.  He whispers,  "Bye, mother!  You were good to me!  I love you!  I miss you!  You were the best!"  He weeps.   He lets the doctor know and the police as well.  At his mothers funeral days later, he is there alone with a huge crowd of his mothers friends nearby.  He feels like he has no one to share his sorrow with, no one at all!

      Nathan calls Emma and tells her about his mother!  Emma feels sad to hear this. She cries into  the phone.

      "Nathan, I am so sorry!"  Emma says.

       "Thanks, Emma! "  Nathan says.

       "I love you!"  Emma says.

      "I love you too!"  Nathan says through his tears.

           Nathan has kept in touch with Emma daily since she moved with her family.  He is glad he still has her in his life.  Without her, he has no idea what he would do!  He has no family now that his mother died.  He does no any other relatives because his fathers family never kept in touch, and his mothers only sibling, an aunt his his, passed away years ago.  All the rest of his mothers family was already dead was what he had been told long before his mother's  death.  So, now expect for his long distance, girl, Nathan feels all alone in the world!

          *I apologize ahead of time, that this chapter is so sad, and short.-Summer Cheng


    to be continued in Chapter 24  Six Years Later:  Together Again?

Plain Girl Finds Love?  (AU) by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now