Chapter 18 Abandoned Toddler?

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       One year later, Adrien, Marinette, Emma and Hugo are all ready to go visit Alya and Nino when they hear a funny sound at the door. They know it is not Trixxie as she is on her leash.  They have already packed the items they plan to take on their trip into the car along with Trixxie's belongings.  When they open the door to lock up, they discover a small child on the porch.  By the looks of things, it is a little boy.  His hair is curly, blonde and a bit discheveled. He has green eyes and wears only a diaper, a t-shirt and a pair of sandals. Their is a note with him, it simply states Please take care of my boy, Louis  Frank for me!  I can not afford to feed him. Please help!  Sincerely, his mama!   Next to the note, is a spare t-shirt, a few diapers, a baby bottle with a small portion of milk inside. Last there is a tattered, teddy bear.  There is nothing more!  No sign, as to who left him!  No clues as to how long he has been there or anything!  

        Adrien, calls the police!  Marinette picks up the poor lonely child.  She tries her best to console him.  Emma and Hugo look at him with wide eyes.  Hugo now a little over a  year old is not sure what to think about this stranger who has taken up his mothers attention. Emma only smiles, and whispers something to the effect,  "The poor dear!"  

      The police arrives at the mansion twenty minutes later. They ask a few questions. They take a look at the evidence. They shake their heads and take their leave.  

      Adrien turns to his wife!  

        "Marinette the police say they can not do nothing for him!  It appears he was abandoned on our door step.  They say unless we decide to open our home up to him he will be become a ward of the country.  This would mean he would go to an orphanage until such time some one claims him as their own."  Adrien tells her.

       "Well, then, he will stay with us then!  He must stay with us!  He can't go to that orphanage now can he dear?"  Marinette says with sympathy in her voice as she pleads with him.

      " Daddy, can we keep him?  He could be the baby brother to me and Hugo!" Emma remarks.

    " Well, then it's settled!  Louis Frank stays with us!" Adrien says.

   "Hurrah!" Emma cheers.

   "Yes!"  Hugo says.  He surprises everyone as he has not spoken before now.

   "How about that Hugo said his first word!"  Marinette beams.

   "He sure did darling, he sure did!"  Adrien says.

    The family unpacks their things and unloads the dog, and her stuff from the car. They decide to delay the trip to see Nino and Alya Lahiffe until some other time.  It is not worth the effort right now.   Not when Louis Frank just came to them and all!  Adrien notifies the authorities of the decision he and his family have made. The police seem to approve as the Agreste family is well known in the community.  The judge comes by and has them sign some paper work. A lawyer does the same. 

       Once all the paper work is in order the authorities leave.  From here on out the small lad is no longer just known as Louis Frank, but is now known as Louis Frank Agreste.  He is the adopted son of Adrien and Marinette Agreste, younger brother to Hugo Gabe Agreste and Emma Joy Agreste.  He is loved by them and loved by all! 

        A   week later, Chloe and Jackson along with their daughter, Margaret Ann arrive for a visit!  They are just as enthusiastic as ever to met this Louis Frank Agreste!   Maggie is a few years older than him.  She looks at him and says,  "Wow, he sure is a cute little thing!"

      Emma is never more proud to call him her brother!  Hugo just looks around in confusion when it comes to the whole ordeal.  It is something he will not come to understand until he is way older.  Adrien and Marinette are happy to see how well everyone seems to get along with their newly adopted child.

   to be continued in Chapter 19  Almost Drowned?  

Plain Girl Finds Love?  (AU) by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now