Method 1 of 2:
Studying Schizophrenia
1. Get to know the symptoms of schizophrenia.
Some of the symptoms of schizophrenia are easier to see than others, but by understanding symptoms that are not even observed, you can better understand what is experienced by people with schizophrenia.
2. Compare symptoms with schizoid personality disorder.
Schizoid personality disorder is part of the spectrum disorder of schizophrenia - both disorders are characterized by difficulties in expressing emotions or building social relationships; however, there are several differences between the two that need attention. People with schizoid personality disorder come into contact with reality and do not experience hallucinations or paranoia continuously, and the patient's pattern of conversation is normal and can be followed easily. A person with schizoid personality disorder develops and shows a desire to be alone, not have or have little sexual desire, and will be confused by normal social cues and interactions.
Although it is part of the spectrum of schizophrenia, schizoid personality disorder is "not" schizophrenia so the steps related to schizophrenia described in this article cannot be applied to individuals with schizoid personality disorder.
3. Don't assume that you are facing schizophrenia.
Even if the person shows symptoms of schizophrenia, do not immediately assume that he has schizophrenia. You definitely don't want to determine whether someone has schizophrenia or not.
If you're not sure, try asking your friends and family people who are suspected of having schizophrenia.
Ask this question wisely, for example by saying something like "I want to make sure I don't say or make a mistake so I want to ask: does X have a mental disorder, such as schizophrenia? Sorry if I'm wrong, but X shows some symptoms of schizophrenia and I want to make sure to treat him politely. "4. Take the point of view of empathy.
RandomIndonesia : Skizofrenia merupakan sebuah penyakit mental kronis yang sering kali disalahartikan oleh masyarakat awam. Keberadaannya seringkali tertukar dengan kepribadian ganda. Kesadaran masyarakat terhadap keberadaan pengidap skizofrenia mengakiba...