Chapter 3 ~ Choosing the Champions

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*Kiara's POV*

Were all piled into the great hall, waiting for Professor Dumbledore to announce the champions and reserves.

"Right, if I could have all your attention please."

Professors Dumbledore shouts over the noise of people talking.

Dumbledore holds his hand out and moves it around the great hall, dimming the lights and finally placing his hands on the goblet of fire.

The bright blue flame turns into a red blaze, curling up into a fire ball and then spitting out a piece of paper out of the flames.

"The Durnstrang champion is, Viktor Krum!"

A loud eruption of manly roars echoes through the great hall of all the muscly Durnstrang boys.

"Viktor, would you like a reserve to take your place, should you fail to continue with the task given?"

I don't think he will, he's too much of a man.

"No, I will go at this alone"

Told you.

The goblet once again shoots a piece of paper out of the flames. Dumbledore catches the fancy looking weaved paper.

"The Champion for Bauxbatons, is Fluer Delacour"

Yay, go Fluer. I hope you burn in hell.

I think she might ask for a reserve. She's a bit of a pansy.

"Miss Delacour, do you wish to have a reserve to take your place should you for fit the task at hand?"

Fluer nods in reply, this time the flames from the goblet arnt red, they turn green and swirl down into the cup and then back up again.

"The reserve Champion from Bauxbatons is, Kiara - May Kinn!"

Silence. Dead silence.

Not even Lina makes any noise. Fluer looks at me as if to say 'why her?!'

I eventually get up from my seat and make my way over to where Fluer and Dumbledore are stood.

"Well done Miss Kinn, if you would like to join Mr Krum and Miss Delecour in the other room, we will be with you shortly."

I cautiously walk behind Fluer a few feet away so I don't cause any arguments.

We both join Viktor in the back room and wait for the Hogwarts champion to be chosen.

Listening closely I can hear someone's name being called out.

"...Hogwarts Champion is Cedric Diggory!''

By the sounds of things, these tournaments are going to be good.

I don't think Cedric will want a reserve, he's a guy, they like to earn 'man points' as I like to call them.

Makes them feel go about themselves.


''Wait, so you didn't ask for a reserve? So why is Harry here then?''

I ask Cedric, asking whats on everyones mind. Harry looks petrafied. I don't blame him, he's in for a bumpy ride this year.

''Harry Potter, Harry Potter!!''

I hear various voices coming from the stairs, teachers from both schools and people from the ministry burst through the door.

Professor Dumbledore launches himself towards harry.

''Harry?! Did you put your name into the goblet of fire?!''

I don't know who's more scared me or him. Having all these people crowd round you asking you questions.

''No sir, I swear, I didnt even get one of the older students to do it for me''

Professor Dumbledore sighs in defete before releasing his grip on Harry.

''There is nothing we can do, the Goblet of fire has a binding contract, therfore there is nothing we can do to change the fact that Mr Potter's name was chosen. He is, as of tonight, a Triwizard Champion''

DUN DUN DUUUUNNNN!!!! LOL Anyway, I got bored so thaught I might write another Weasley love story. :D hope you enjoyed it :3 -Pingu x

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