Chapter 6 ~ The first task

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Song for this chapter is Lindsey Stirling ft Pentatonix - Radioactive

*Kiara's POV*

My stomach is in knots.

I'm walking back and forth, making myself dizzy.

I don't know who looks worse, me or Harry.

Poor kid, I chose to be in this tournament, not him, he didnt have a choice.

I see Harry get pulled into a bear hug by his friend Hermione. She looks more worried than I do.

And then Rita Skita moves in on them both, I manage to slip away to the back of the tent and stand in the shadows observing everything thats going on.

''Psst, Kiara...''

What the...? Fred?

''Fred! what are you doing here''

I say in a harsh whisper. He shouldnt be here, especially since the tournament is about to start.

''I wanted to see you, to wish you good luck''


He looks at me, hurt, offended by my question. I don't know why I'm so harsh towards him. Is it because I like him, that I'm pushing him away.

It just seems weird that he's taken such an interrest in me.

''Because...Because, It doesnt matter, just don't die''

Well that's cheerful.

''Good day Champions! Gather round please...''

Dumbledore walks in, followed by Madam Maxine, Igor, Professer Snape and Mad eye.

I try not to make eye contact with Mad eye, I don't even wan't to acknolege his presents.

''...Now you've waited, you've wondered and at last the moment has arrived only four of you can fully appriciate...''

Am I just a spare puzzle piece or something?! Do I just not even exist anymore?

''Sorry Miss Kinn, I didn't see you there...What are you doing here Miss Granger?''

Oh right thanks for noticing me, no one else seems to be.

Hermione awkwardly walks out of the tent, followed by Dumbldore finishing his inspiring speach.

''Barty, the bag...''

Bag? What is in that bag?

''Champion's in a circal round me, Miss Delacour over here, Mr Krum, And Potter, Mr Potter over here right...''

This guys is either nervous or just acting really really quer.

''Miss Kinn, could you jus join us for a sec please...''

I emerge from the shadows and join everyone else in the cute little circal.

''...Miss Delacour if you will...''

Barty says, holding the small satin, navy blue bag out in front o Fluer. A small gust of fire errupts from the bag, followed by deep roars which can only belong to a dragon...?

Fluer reaches into the bag and pulls out a tiny life like Welsh Green dragon.

Both Fluer and Madam Maxine look at eachother like 'is this for real?'

I stare at the tiny green dragon, crawling around in Fluers hand. Do I have to battle this if Fluer fails?

Pfft, that's easy, it's tiny.

Krum pulls out a Chiniese Fireball, Cedric, the Sweedish shortsnout, looks like it just ran into a wall...and Harry pulls out a small and scary looking Hungarian Horntail.

Barty continues with his speach.

''These represent four very real dragons...''

Wait, Wha?!

''...Wait sorry, what do you mean represent real dragons?''

I ask, butting in, everyone is more than likely thinking the same thing, I'm just brave enough to ask.

''...I mean, that these are only an example of what you will be facing out their. These dragons you hold in your hands represent a real dragon, as in a dragon that is much bigger and stronger than this...''

Well shit...we gone die.

''Now these dragons have each been giving a golden egg to protect, your objetive is simple, collect the egg, each egg holds a clue, without it, you cannot proseed.''

"So, I take it if Fluer fails to complete the task, I step into her place and try and get the egg?"

Barty just nods in reply politely then leaves the tent.

The sound of the cannon marks the beginning of the first task.

Krum goes first, leaving me, Fluer, Cedric and Harry in the tent.

"Êtes-vous d'accord Kiara?"

("Are you okay Kiara?")

Fluer asks me in a soft tone, almost like a mother talking to her child.

I don't know what to reply, because I don't know if I'm okay.

"Je ne sais pas , moi, je ne sais vraiment pas ce que je ressens en ce moment"

("I don't know, I, I really don't know what I'm feeling right now")

It's true I really don't know what to feel. This could kill me, this could kill us both.

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