Chapter 11 ~ Save Me!

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Song for this chapter is Rihanna ~ Russian Roulette

*Kiara's POV*

Blood pissing down my neck and down my left arm. stings like a bitch.

The Hogwarts nurse is trying to clean up my neck but I just keep flinching away in pain.

She eventually gives up and just gives me a towel to hold on it for the time being, until we get told who won and who didn't.

"...Can I have your attention please...ATTENTION! The winner is, Cedric Diggory!"

All of the Hogwarts students roar with cheers and excitement.

"...Now, in second place, we have a joint score due to both the champions efforts...Harry Potter and Kiara Kinn!"

Oh, my, Lord. I came second...joint second!

I can feel my eyes pop out of my skull and my face burn bright red. All of my fellow Bouxbatons cheer for me in their high pitch screech.

Even Fluer gives me a hug, trying not to hurt my neck even more.
I don't think Krums very happy though.


"Hey! Kiara!"

I turn to meet the welcoming eyes or Fred, me and Lina were just on our way back to the castle to go get my neck properly looked at.

"How about a game of seventh heaven in the ROR to celebrate yours and Harry's victory?"

I bite my lip as his voice goes through my system like lightning. I love this feeling.

"Yeah sure, I'm just about to go the hospital wing to get my neck looked at and then I'll meet you later..."

"...I'll come with you. uh if you want?"

Fred asks a little eagerly, Lina catches on and leaves us to it. We walk on behind everyone else towards the castle.

I feel Fred's hand entwine with mine. At first I think I'm imagining it, I take a quick glance at my hands and smile like an idiot.

We eventually reach the hospital wing and as soon as we make our way in were seated on a bed and I'm being examined by the nurse.

"...You've got a few bite marks but they're not too deep so they should heal within the next couple of weeks, just keep it clean and let it air dry and scab over and you should be fine...any problems come back and see me."

Last final check and the nurse puts a piece of cotton wool on my neck and wraps a bandage around it to hold it in place.

We both make our way out of the hospital wing, our hands somehow find their way entwined together as we walk out the door.

I feel Fred tug on my arm gently, turning me to face him. He looks nervous, but there's something in his mind.

"Can I, ask you, something?"

My hearts rate increases, I have no idea why I feel this way, no one has ever made me feel this way before.

"Will you..."

"...Kinn, a word..."

We both turn to see Moody stood slump a few feet away, he looks even more angry than before.

Now my heart rate is even worse, Moody scares me more than anything.

"...I, I'm sorry Fred, I have to go..."

I apologise sheepishly before swiftly walking past Fred and joining Moody.


We approach Moody's office door, he opens the door with such anger and harshly grabs the back of my neck and shoves me through the door.

I land heavily on the cold hard stone floor and start shaking.

I'm so scared tears start falling from my eyes.

I hear the heavy wooden door slam shut and lock into place. Moody takes a handful of my hair and harshly brings me to my feet.

"What did you say?! What did you tell him?!"

He spits and hisses into me ear sounding angry and scared.

"I didn't tell him anything, he doesn't know, no one knows anything I promise"

I whisper, loosing my breath I'm so scared, I'm drowning in my own tears.


He shouts, throwing me to the ground again. I land face first on the hard ground, bloody flows freely down my face.

I roll onto my side with all the strength I have left.

I feel like I'm going to black out.

I move onto my back and stare up at Moody as he frantically runs around the room, making Pollyjuice potion.

I start laughing quietly, causing moody to turn and look at me with such anger in his eyes.

"What are you going to do without me?"

I whisper, grinning like a cheshire cat. You might think me crazy for laughing but he needs me. And he knows he can't forfill the task without me.

Moody growls in distress and grabs my shirt, pulling me up to my feet and slamming my back up against the wall.

", you need me to stay alive"

I gasp for air as Moody's grip tightens around my neck.


He spits through gritted teeth. The moment he releases his grip from around my neck, I make a run for it towards the door.

I quickly unlock it and run as fast as I can to wherever my feet will take me.

I stop dead in my tracks as I see some students going into a room, I notice Fred stood talking to Lina.

They notice me in the distance and all colour runs from their faces. I don't know what to tell them so I just run in the oposite direction as fast as I can.

I make it to my room and quickly close the door behind me.

I lean my back on the door and slide down, feeling a fresh wave of tears fall down my rosey blood stained cheeks.

I need help.

Now's the time to tell someone.

The question is, who do I tell?

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