Chapter 14 ~ The Final Task

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*Kiara's POV*

I pace back and forth, listening to the happy chattering sounds of the crowd.

The three schools, Bouxbatons, Durnstrang and Hogwarts students sat in the crowd.

I clutch my wand in my hand tightly, repeating over and over again in my head the plan.

"Pourquoi êtes-vous si nerveux ? 1 ' suis celui qui doit aller dans la première"

("Why are you so nervous? I'm the one who has to go in first")

Fluer says from beside me. I don't stop pacing. I can't even look up and meet her gaze I'm that nervous.

Dumbledore explains all the rules. I just hope Fluer doesn't fail. I don't want to be the one to forfill the task at hand.

I just don't want Fred to hate me.


It's been around 5 minuets and nothing. Not even a sound or a flash of light coming from the maze.

I look down at my hands, my wrist stings.

I can see blood trickle into my palm. I've been digging my nails into my wrist while scratching deeply.

I didn't realise I was so nervous. I let out a shaky breath and get up and walk it off for a bit.

A flash of red light shoots into the sky and out comes the last person I want to see.


"...Miss Delcour has had to pull out of the task, therefore Miss Kinn will take her place"

I'm screaming to myself. On the inside I'm dying. Dying on the thought of what lies ahead. But I have no choice.


Dark thick fog fills my lungs. I can't breath. I don't know if I'm dreaming or not but I hope I'll wake up and this will all blow over.

After ours of searching for the cup, I finally see it, glistening I the distance.

I start running. Feeling weightless. A happy yet relieved feeling rushes through me.

Then I remember the plan.

I slow down and stop half way towards the cup. If I didn't know about what lies ahead, I would run and grab the cup.

Eternal glory sounds so good right now.

But I know what lies ahead. And I'm not the one who should take the cup.

It's Harry.

This could go one of two ways. Everyone could think I'm a traitor or they might understand, everything.

I hear a crack of twigs in the distance and quickly hide from whoever it is.

I can hear voices in the distance.

"...Take it. You saved me take it!"

Wait, I recognise that voice. No There shouldn't be anyone else. This ain't how it's supposed to go.

Both Harry and the other boy run towards the cup.


I shout, lurching towards them. I'm too late they've both grabbed the cup, together.

We're all taken the grave yard where He awaits Harry's arrival.

I quickly scurry away from Harry and the other boy before they can see who I am.

I run off to the side and grab my black mask. it's a Phantom of the Opera style mask, covering half my face with a black lace see through design and quickly chuck my hair up into a rough french plait.

I hear Harry groan in pain. His scare is hurting.

"Who are you and what do you want?"

Wait now I recognise that voice. It's Cedric, the other Hogwarts Champion. Oh no.

"Kill the boy!"

He says in a strained voice. I can't help myself. I jump out in front of them and block the killing curse in mid cast.

"Beatrice, what in the name of the Dark Lord do you think you're doing?!"

"Killing the boy will do no good. Just get on the ritual. I'll handle him"

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