Chapter 17 ~ I'm done with this world

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Song for this chapter Evenescence ~ My Immortal (Piano Version)

*Kiara's POV*

I haven't moved from this spot since The final task. I haven't spoken to Fred or Lina.

I've isolated myself in my own world, staring out over the black lake from the Astronomy tower in this school.

I don't know when we're going back to Bauxbatons.

I didn't stay to see if anyone believed me, about what happened in the maze and why I was working for Voldemort.

Turns out they didn't actually have my friend, they just said that to get me to do what they wanted. I wasn't going to take any chances though.

I don't know who to trust. I don't even trust myself anymore.

It's quiet up here, all by myself.

The school is quiet though, which is weird. There's always something going on in this school.

I think I over heard something about Dumbledore giving a speech in memory of Cedric.

I did everything I could to save both Harry and Cedric. I tried.

I'm not going to stay long enough for people to gang up on me over it. I know I'll probably be blamed to Cedric's death.

The wind blows soundlessly through my hair and over my skin. My vision is slightly blurry from all the tears that sit in my eyes. And the dry salty tears that sit on my cheeks.

I hear faint footsteps, but I can't tell if it's someone coming towards me or walking away.

''I thought I'd find you here''

I know that voice, it belongs to Fred. My heart sinks like the Titanic in my chest. I don't want to look and see the hurt in his eyes. It may just break my heart into a million pieces and I may not be able to hold myself any longer.

I twist a piece of thread from the bandage around me wrist in my thumb and index finger simultaneously.

Trying to take my mind elswhere.

''I know what happened. But I don't know your side of the story''

Why does he care anyway. I barley even know him, he just happeneds to be everywhere I am, all day every day.

''There's no point in voicing my side of the story. No one will believe me anyway-''

''-I'll believe you''

I turn sharply and stare at Fred with such anger boiling inside me I don't even feel like myself anymore.

''You'll believe me. Is that so? Well it's your word against everyone elses, so no matter what you say or do on my behalf or for your own benifit, it won't. Change. Anything''

I turn back to the balcony ledge of the astronomy tower and look out into the distance, trying to muffle a sob with my hand and not wanting Fred to see me cry or even see his hurt expression anymore.

''If it's really that important to you, that you really need to know what happened yesterday, I tried to save Cedric and Harry but Cedric was defending everyone and, died trying. He should never have been there in the first place-''

''-But, why were you there?''

The one question, I feared to this day I would have to answer, even to someone who isn't even involved or can punish me for it.

''I, It's, It's complicated''

My hands start shaking from the horrible nervous feeling settling inside me.

''Is that what you and Moody were doing, all this time, you were working together?''

I can here the anger and frustration in his voice as he practically spits his words at me.

''Please don't hate me for it. There was nothing I could do, nothing you could have done, nothing anyone could have done''

''Kiara, I could never hate you. You don't come across as the sort of person to do such a thing intentionally''

I turn and meet his eyes once again, tears stream down my face. He doesn't look angry, or frustrated, he looks, sympathetic. Like, someone who cares.

Fred walks over to me slowly, he stops just in front of me. He's alot taller than me, his lean figuer towers over my timid figuer. He wraps his arms around my shoulders and pulls me close to him. I cry heavily into his chest, snaking my arms around his waist.

It's like he can hug away all my worries and make everything better. I never thaught I would find someone like that. Its like I've finally found, the missing puzzle piece.

''Is it weird that this feels so right, you and me?''

wait what? Did he just say that or is this like seventh heaven all over again. I slowly release my arms from around Fred's waist and look at him, slightly confused. He's got that smug look on his face that I fell in love with the moment I saw it.

''Did-I- Did you just say that or am I imagining things?''

Fred laughs in reply, sliding his hands from my shoulders down my arms and snaking them around my waist. I move my arms and lazily drape them over his shoulders. Fred leans down, still smiling smugly.

''You weren't imagining things''

And with that, our lips meet in the middle in a gentle embrace and its like all my worries just fly out the window like a little bird floating with the wind.

This next year is gonna be a good one.

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