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"Mom! I don't want to go in Japan! What would I do there? I don't even know how to speak Japanese" I complain to my mom as she talks about it again.

She wanted me to go to Japan and I'm lazy to go there. What would I do there anyway?

"Jeongwoo, don't you miss us? It's been 3 years we haven't see you straight" my heart breaks when my mom told it.

It's true.

I don't want to mean that I don't want to see them its just hassle for me. I need a passport and I don't know how to get it and I'm lazy. I hate traveling.

They've started to live in japan when her sister, which is my aunt of course, invited her to work on her business there and since we have a financial problem that time, she decided to accept the offer. My brother, Hyeonwoo followed there when he graduated and help them as my mother built her own business now. Just a mini one.

"Mom, that's not what I mean. It's just..." I cut off what I should've said because I heard my brother speaking.

"He just don't know how to get a passport and he's lazy to travel mom. Just understand him" my brother laughed, I pouted.

"If that's your problem. I already asked Yedam's mom to help you"


"Will I s-study there?" I stutterly said.

I'm not good in directions because I'm just staying at home ALWAYS. I don't even familiarize Seoul here, how could I familiarize Japan if I don't familiarize Korea!? Plus, I'm going to adjust in the new environment there! I don't want to adjust, let those Japanese adjust here.

"Of course baby"

"I don't familiarize the places"

"It's ok. We know someone to help you. He works at our restaurant here and will go to the same school as you and both of you are in the same age"

"Hey Woo! Your FOODS are here!" I look where the loud noise came from.

There Junkyu again. Vlogging.

"Is that Junkyu?" my mom asked, I nodded.


"Oh, be ready next week cause you'll be here in Japan" I groaned as my mom end up the call.

Would I really go there? Can't I back-out?

Junkyu's POV

"REALLY!? ARE YOU SURE MOM!?" I excitedly asked with a jump when I heard what my mom said.



While I'm happy jumping, I saw Yedam's sad eyes and I realize he will be left here alone. By the way, we're living in the same house.

"Don't worry Yedam. We'll call you" I patted his shoulder as I went near him.

"Junkyu Hyung, can just the both of us exchange? I'll stay here" Jeongwoo ask and of course, I don't agree with him. I want us to be together!

"Na-ah. I don't have someone to be with in Japan and I'm happy that you'll go there" I said happily then I saw a pout on his face "Stop pouting baby Woo" I said and pinch his cheeks.

"Yedam hyung, you go there, I'll stay here. You act as me and you'll be the Jeongwoo there" Jeongwoo complained. He left a long sigh and lazily sat on the sofa beside Yedam.

"No way, let me be me" Yedam complained and I laugh.

"Seems like I'm the only one whose excited going in japan. I feel sad" I said trying to gain their sympathy. Sympathy to go with me and I hope they would have fun there and would realize someday that they made a right decision going there.

Plus, it feels like I want to unwind in a different place.


Even though I don't want to go to Japan. I don't have someone in here in Korea anymore. I don't have someone's shoulders to cry on, to command Junkyu, I'll miss Jeongwoo's command to buy him foods. I'll miss them and I want to go with them!

While Junkyu is in his room playing a game while singing "Finally, I'm going in Japan" and Jeongwoo is saying "I don't want to go"

I went downstairs and there, I saw my mom. I slowly went to her.


"Yes?" she said as she look at me.

"Can I have a question?"

"What is it?

"C-can I go with Junkyu and Jeongwoo?" I ask and I'm freaking shy right now!

Even though Jeongwoo doesn't want to go there, I know he doesn't have a choice because mom seems to already book his flight.

"Yedam, I know you would ask that..." as my mom said it, I have a little hope that it'd be a yes.

"But, how about your school? I'll allow you but you need to finish your study in here. When you'll be in Japan. You have to adjust and you need to be fluent in Japanese."

"Mom. I can do it. I'm also a little fluent in Japanese. I know they'll understand me" I said while trying to force her with my pitiful voice.

"Let me think about it" she said.

I hope mom will allow me. Two weeks from now, the two will fly away here.

"Mom! Please!" I beg my mom to allow me. I just went home from school while the two seems to go somewhere near the street. Both already finished processing their requirements as they will transfer school for this year.

"I promise to do well in Japan! Please!"



"Yedam" mom called my name again.


"I'll allow you if..." before my mom continue what she'll say. I speak what she was supposed to say first.

"I promise to be good in school, with japanese people, with aunts, with Junkyu and Jeongwoo. I promise to not do bad things! i promise to study well. I'll make decisions right. I promise that you'll never regret I'm in japan and I promise to miss you like how I miss dad while he's in the ship!" I said excitedly.

"Good for you to know and... Okay, I'll allow you"

"Yes!" I exclaimed. A hug from me received by my mom with joy and excitement in me.

I don't know why, I suddenly feel the excitement.

"Don't forget your promises" mom said.

Later that night, I scrolled on my phone and checked the agency I took an audition a month ago. But I receive none, so I close the site and continued surfing.

Please vote and comment. This is my first fanfic and sorry if my grammar was bad cause I'm not so good in english though. Trying.

Hope you guys will like this story. This is just the beginning

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