Chapter Thirty Four meryl frog battle

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We enter the mainframe, Alfie stayed on board the plane. We walked inside a big mainframe computer room. Meryl was looking around very slowly, I say "I got a really bad feeling of this place." Meryl replies "I have the same bad feeling." Then a puppet appears out of no where saying "this is your final test Snake, let's see if you know how to defeat me."   

Meryl and I worked together and fought with everything we got.  We did some unpredictable moves which surprised the puppet, then we defeated the puppet.

For the last time Drebin told his story "She has two puppets shaped like previous Metal Gear Solid bosses Psycho Mantis and The Sorrow. It is revealed that the Psycho Mantis puppet is used to control and manipulate living people, while The Sorrow puppet can be used to manipulate dead bodies. However, her powers are only applicable on people implanted with nanomachines and cannot affect people who can suppress nanomachine activity. "

After our fight with the puppet, I saw Psycho Mantis' ghost was controlling the puppet's mind as a result of her insanity. Then out of nowhere guards came rushing inside. I said "I'll find the control centre." Meryl said "I'll radio more men to help with this situation.
I rushed off to find a air vent, I traveled through it, it was really difficult, I wondered how Meryl was getting on.

In the main hanger Meryl was surrounded by lots of guards.  She thought great,  then suddenly Johnny and his team appeared and said "We've come to help you plus Drebin gave us supplies." Meryl sighed with relief and said "About time I was getting worried." Meryl asked "How come mantis didn't effect you?" Johnny went embarrassed and said "Well I figured mantis was using nano machines to control everyone, no nano machine no control." Meryl asked "You don't have nanotechnology, how?" Johnny answered "I hate needles so I use the thing on my arm to track everyone." Meryl said "The stomach aches and you being unaware of undercover because you didn't have nanotechnology." Johnny said "Yeah that's correct." Meryl asked "Why you want to join my team?" Johnny went guilty and replied "Because I fancied you since Alaska when you stole my clothes." Meryl was so touched she kissed Johnny and said "If we make it out here alive I want a wedding." Johnny said "I haven't even proposed yet." Meryl said "What you waiting for?" Johnny replied "Will you marry me?" Meryl said "Yes of-course I will." They kissed.

I was busy crawling through the vents I found the end but a lot of guards blocked the passageway. I thought 'great, how am I going to get pass these guards.' Then a ninja came forward and said "Time to return the life dept snake I'll hold the guard off for you." I said "Raiden you are a good friend thanks." I carried on my journey vent after vent I was relieved when I saw a big door I walked inside and I was the main computer network.

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