the cat - chapter 2

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Gotham was never a happy place for me. It was a place filled with misery, pain and hopelessness. Never something I believed in.

I stood on a rooftop, slowly becoming more aware of my surroundings. The bright lights of the city, the jet black sky, and the small lights that danced in it. The black cowl I wore was nothing new. My true identity was nothing but a playboy. A spoilt billionaire. Who could ever think that Bruce Wayne was Batman? That idea itself seemed unnatural.

"Hey, Bat."

I looked behind me to see the Cat, and almost smiled. Her emerald green eyes shone in the darkness of the night and her ruby red glasses on top of them. She wore the same attracting outfit, and a whip was on her hip, showing a clear warning to anyone who dared to mess with her.

I kept the same stone face. "What do you want?"

A sly grin appeared on her face, and she brushed her hand on my shoulder. "Can't a girl say hello?"

I scoffed. "You robbed a bank yesterday. And stole a diamond from the Gotham Museum. I should arrest you."

"But you won't." she stated, whilst examining her nails.

It was true. I never turned her in or let anyone arrest her. It was strange in a way. She's a criminal. Why can't I arrest her?

She wasn't anything special.

Just a thief.

"Go away," I commanded, turning my focus back to the gleaming lights.

She stroked my shoulder again and this time pulled me towards her, her eyes full of challenge.

"You don't mean that, do you Bat?"

I had to focus.

What was the point?

She came closer to me, so close that I could feel her warm breath on my face, inhaling it. Her stained red lips about to be on mine. She fell into me, knowing I would catch her. I closed my eyes and slightly parted my lips, ready to give up. Until I looked up and noticed the time on the Gotham Clocktower. 5am.


I gently pushed her away and fired my grapple onto another building. But before I left, I locked eyes with her.

"Maybe next time, Cat."

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