chapter #8

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Annie's pov:

I woke up the next morning and johnny was gone.

He did leave a note though.

Dear annie, thanks for the amazing day. It was such a fun time! Anyway connor (aka my friend) texted me yesterday and said that we're gonna go to cabo for a few weeks for summer vacation. I was wondering if you would be my plus one? Let me know if that's okay. Lov- see ya.

After reading it i picked up my phone then texted him.

Johnny's pov:


Annie🙈: yes, I'll be ur plus one!

Me: yay!

Annie🙈: don't get to exited, i have to ask my parent's.

Me: oh wow, well played LeBlanc.

Annie🙈: don't be slick, i know you haven't asked your parent's yet😌

Me: uh sure i have.

Annie🙈: then what'd they say?

Me: an absolute yes!

Annie🙈: eh ttyl gotta ask my parent's.

Me: aren't they on vacation?

Annie🙈: obviously, I'll just text them

Me: okay.
Me : i love you (not sent)

Annie🙈: byee
Annie🙈: ily (not sent)

Me: byee

End of text)

After that i called my dad. I knew he would say yes. A little less my mom.

(On call)

A: hi dad!

B: hi sweetie. What's up?

A: nothing much. Just i need to ask u something.

B: lay it on me.

A: uhm well i was wondering if i could go to cabo with some friends for a couple of weeks.

B: absolutely.

A: really?!

B: not.




Oof. Will she get to go on the trip? Who knows. Sorry i haven't been active. I'll try as much as i can.

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