chapter #12

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Annie's pov: after a while johnny comes back into the house. Everyone was talking and arranging things so no one really noticed.

Johnny's pov: after a finished getting stuff together i walked back in. No one really payed too much attention which was good.

I went and sat down away from everyone.

About 10 minutes later we were boarding in the huge van. I really just avoiding everyone till then. I got in the very back. Mark and ruby we're back there already.

I sat down in a window seat. Annie was in the seat in front of me. I wanted to say something to her. But the words just couldn't slip out my mouth. I wanted to talk to her in private.

When everyone was boarded. Conner was the first to drive. Jayden was in the passenger. Of course only conner had his permit so jayden had to be up there with him.

Annie's pov:

30 minutes into the drive johnny still hasn't said anything. I figured i would just talk to him at a pit stop or something. Other than that, my phone was blowing up with calls from my mom. I really just ignored them and shut my phone down.

Nadia's pov:

I really feel like i have nothing to do with this but at the same time i do. The night i broke up with john he didn't seem to care as much. So i don't really know. But i want to avoid drama on this trip.

(Im gonna do everyone's pov by the way)

Jaydens pov:

How do i feel about john running of like that? Terrible for annie. He still likes Nadia and i know it. I also know that annie likes john secretly. I could tell by her facial expressions when he ran off.

Conners pov:

Driving minding his own business.

Marks pov:

Sitting next to john made me feel guilty for some reason. Like i was involved in everything. I wasn't, it just felt like i was.

Rubys pov:


Kenzies pov:

On her phone.

Haydens pov:

Sleeping on Nadia's shoulder.

Johnnys pov:

About 2 hours into the trip we come across a pit stop. We all get out the car and go in for lunch.

When we walk in i sit next to annie.

I tap her shoulder and she looks at me. "Can i talk to you, like in private?" i say kinda whispering.

"Uhm, sure" she says as we get up walking outside.



Just wait more to come sis.

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