Chapter #23

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Annie's POV:

I was walking back up the stairs to go and see if John was back in his room and I run into him walking out the bathroom. It was so awkward because I was legit calling him all day and he just got back.

"John.." i say looking down. He doesn't reply.

"Could you please just get out my room.." he asks.

"But jo-" he cuts me off.

"For gods sake Julianna, get out!" He says.

When he calls me Julianna, he means it.

I turn around and see Asher standing there next to Jayden.

"What are you doing here.." I whisper to myself, then I turn to look at Johnny.

He runs up to all of us and shuts the door locking it.

I run downstairs and turn to go in my room. Asher follows.

"What do you want from me? Are you trying to ruin my life?" I turn around to Asher.

"What do you mean? I'm just wondering why you didn't come meet up with all of us today." He says concerned.

"What do you think? I was trying to work things out with my 'boyfriend' " I say.

"Why'd you say it like that?" He asks turning his head.

"Because." I sigh. "You know what, it's none of your business. Just leave." I say looking down.

"Why did your mood change so quickly!?" He asks trying to pick my head up but I move away.

"Just go Asher !" I yell kinda loudly which wakes Hayden and Nadia up on the couch.

He leaves as I put my head in my knees about  to cry.

"He'll never talk to me again. They both won't." I mumble under my breath.

As soon as I finish the last word someone walks in my room.

Sorry I haven't been active lately I'll spam some chapters tonight! This book has grown so much wow

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