chapter #18

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Annie's pov:

When we get back to the others they are all grabbing bags and putting them in the uber. We start to help.

When all the bags are in the uber we all sit down. I end up sitting next to lauren and Nadia.

*Arrive at the house in cabo*

We all start to get bunches of bags out the car putting it in front of the house.

I take a good look at the place.

It was huge!

"Woah!" i whisper.

We finish getting all the bags at the door. All of us wave at the uber then jayden takes out the key to unlock the house.

"Before i open this door i will give you all a little history and roommates."

We all nod as jayden begins.

"The history began about 70 years ago. Yes, this building is extremely old! It does have a bit of experience with ghosts but there most likely isn't any now-"

She gets cut off by Lauren.

"Nahh i don't do ghosts sis." lauren says.

All of us laugh except Nadia.

Gosh she was such a buzz kill.

"Anyway," jayden says giggling.

"This place has only had 2 owners. 1 pair is dead and the second is not. If there still are ghosts there are not a lot." jayden continues "any questions!?" jayden asks.

We all look around shaking out heads.

"Alrighty then! Your roommates are whoever you sat with on the plane! There are maps at the beginning because this place is absolutely HUGE! Feel free to take one!" jayden says.

"You may walk in!" jayden says opening both doors.

We all start to get the bags in the house. I felt like i was in absolute heaven.

"I'm so mad right now!" kenzie whispers to me.

"Whyl!?" i ask. "How could you be mad in a place like this!" i say examining the place.

"Nadia was my plane partner. Jayden said whoever your plane partner was is your roommate. I don't want my week in heaven turned into my week in miserie!" she says.

"Ask jayden if she has any extra rooms!" i reply.

"Good idea!" kenzie says.

By then all the bags are in the house and the door is closed.

"You may explore!" jayden says.

Everyone goes off in different directions.

Johnny comes up to me.


Someone starts to call me.

"Who's that!?" he asks.

I look at it.

It was asher.

"My mom! Um she's probably worried I'm gonna tell her!" i say.

"Okay? Good luck?" he says.

"Yeah!" i say backing away to take the call.

Now talking to Asher was a secret.


End oo tea.

I kinda ship Asher and Annie in real life though.

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