chapter #11

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Annie's  pov:

about 10 minutes later we arrive at Jayden's house. I was really confused on why we were here but I really didn't care to be honest. As long as I knew I was going to cabo.

Johnny comes around and opens the door for me.

"Thanks" i say as i get out look at the house. It didn't look familiar. I knew for sure that it wasn't jayden's house.

"John, where are we?" i ask as we are walking towards the door.

"Conners house, he has to get things situated for the trip with Jayden." johnny says ringing the doorbell.

A man answered. "Hi, looking for conner?" the man said.

"Oh yeah!" Johnny answered.

"Upstairs to your right" he said opening up the door wider so we could come in.

"Thanks!" Johnny replies walking in kind of tugging on my hand.

The place was huge. Which made it hard to find the room.

We headed on upstairs and came across a room that's door was closed. We walked in, there everyone was.

When johnny walked in he looked around the room and layed eyes on Nadia. He ran out of the room before anyone could even say 'hi' to him. I wonder what was up. Did he still like Nadia? Was it just to emotional for him? I don't know but these questions ran through my mind so much i thought it would explode.

Johnny pov:

When we walked in the room i couldn't take it anymore. Even just thinking of Nadia makes me emotional. I don't even know why.

Do i still love her?


Sorry for a short chapter!

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