Chapter #24

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Annie's POV:

I look up and see Johnny standing there.

"Can we talk.." he says kinda disappointed.

"Sure." I say making a spot for him to sit.

I begin the conversation. "Why do care so much?" I say looking at him.

He turns to look at me confusingly. "What do you mean?" He asks.

"Why do you care so much about me talking to Asher." I say.

"He used to be my best friend.." he says looking down.

I look at him as he looks down.

"I'll tell you the story." He says as he begins.

"Lexi and I were dating at the time. Normal. Then me and Asher became best friends! We had play dates and did all the things little kids do. Until fifth grade graduation when i saw him kiss Lexi. Lexi! My girlfriend. And that's where it started. Luckily me and Lexi are still friends and we both hate Asher. But I still don't forgive him." He says standing up.

I had no words. I couldn't be friends with Asher knowing he did that to Johnny.

I stayed quiet.

After a couple of seconds we finally say something.

Johnnys POV:

After telling Annie about Asher she didn't say anything.

He lips - glued.

After a couple of seconds Annie finally says something.

Annie's POV

"Why do you care?" I say looking at him.

"What?" He says looking at me.

"This is a fake relationship. All you wanna do is make Nadia jealous so why did you say you love me more than her? I know you don't."

"Of course I love you.." he says looking down.

"You don't! Stop acting like you do. If anything Nadia is the girl you love." I say standing up.

"Annie.." he says looking up at me. "Why are you getting so mad?" He says concerned.

"Because." I take a moment to stay quiet. "I like you.. more than a 'fake relationship'.."



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