Chapter 36

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Kael's POV

She's different. Good different.

I remember the first time I saw her.

I was in a hurry because I need to go to R&K Corporation when my driver almost hit someone with my car. Napatingin ako sa babaeng kumakalampag sa sasakyan ko. She's not wearing what like most ladies wear. She's just wearing a plain shirt, men's short, and had a short hair.

At first glance, she may look like a guy. But if you really look at her, she still looks like a very simple beautiful woman with strong personality. I found her more interesting because of that.

After a couple of days, I was able to see her again. I was driving that time when I saw her working in a gasoline station. Nagkunwari akong inakala kong lalaki siya. I want to get her attention so I used my gorgeous face. Kaso parang hindi tumalab, dahil hindi man lang niya napansin ang kagwapuhan ko.

I looked for some information about this woman. That's how I'm interested to know her. Then I was surprised when I saw her one day working in my office, and she even mopped my shoes. I still can't forget her reaction after that! I don't know what I'm really into but I really want to catch her attention, so I made fun of her while she's cleaning inside my office. I acted like a child or more of like a psychotic one while eating an apple. That sucks! Yeah I know.

But I really like how she looked at me when she saw me doing that.

Kinda funny.

Until one day, inside my office...

It was the first time na siya na mismo ang lumapit sa akin. The way she talked to me... the way she encouraged me... there's really something in her. I want to befriend her.

And yes! Finally, we became friends.

Other than Paul, she's the only person who can read and see the real me. How is she doing that? I don't know either.

She's the first person who noticed me for always eating alone.

The first woman who allowed me to eat with her family.

It is only when I am with her that I can laugh so hard until it's almost hard for me to breathe. I never laughed so hard like that even if I'm with my closest friends. If she only knew.

I was the reason behind kung bakit palaging maraming customer sa restaurant. Sinabihan ko ang manager ng mall na bigyan ng incentives ang mga empleyado. I'll pay for their lunch, if and only if, they will eat in the restaurant where she is working with.

She's the first person who made me do crazy things.

I begged Pia and Sherlyn just to make sure she will be my date on our company's annual party. I let them used my black card (no-limit spending credit card) in exchange. I even still have in my phone all the stolen pictures and videos they've sent to me while preparing her for that event. She's so adorable.

She's so beautiful that night... so beautiful that I almost wanted to regret that I asked her to go in that party. Many of our business colleagues wanted to know her. I spent most of the time talking with those assholes just to stop them from going to her. Wasn't she aware how stunning she is that night? Marami na akong muntik mapatay noong gabi na iyon.

I go to her school every night to pick her up.

I became a temporary college instructor in her school just to see her. Was that even necessary? Hindi ko rin alam. Okay fine, I just also want to make sure there will be no asshole around her.

KaeLangan Kita (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon