Chapter 6: His Mysterious Name

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3:15PM (afternoon), Ship.

Enjoying the time with the seas, France’s gentle sapphire eyes glanced at the moving water below the ship. Some waves were colliding with each other and with the ship. His golden hair was buffeted by the air from the open parts of the seas as he tried to tuck it on his ears, for them to stop dancing away. Fluffy clouds were moved by the breezes as well. They moved away while making different shapes.

One of the clouds drew itself as France in the map—which ordinary people would picture him. Albeit that he was all alone in the side of the ‘shore’, the Frenchman pointed at the picture he had seen. All of a sudden, he was having the urge to go back to his home. Not because he’s doesn’t want to live here, but because he missed his father. Behind that smile he made was actually a forlorn. ‘Dad...’ mumbled the youngster again.

Why did my father name me as ‘France’? I’m not France. More like, France doesn’t fit to be my name. It’s a nation’s name! And, there’s a rule that no one should use a nation’s name. Ah! Maybe, he idolizes someone from France that’s why he gave me that name? France is actually a beautiful name~!

One of France’s ‘suitors’ appeared quite aloof from where the French chap was. Captain England was standing there, watching the Frenchman quietly. France’s ‘suitor’ tended to the pirate captain and started up a conversation. “She’s beautiful, right? I’m planning to court her, though. I like her very much. And, she’s a great cook. She fits to be my wife~”

Another one appeared out of nowhere and joined their guy conversation. “I’ll get her first. I like legs she has. I want to enter her as soon as possible!”

The third one finally showed himself. “I want to do that to her too! How about I’ll do the attacking behind her? Her ass, I mean.”

The three of them simultaneously let out a manly laugh and clapped their palms together. “Oooh! I’d love to do that!” They had completely forgotten about the captain that he have been hearing their statements for a few minutes now. One of them replied, “I’m getting hard, mateys. I can’t hold this back anymore. I’ll go get her, and then let’s attack her. ‘kay? We all need to release this pleasure we’re—”

Captain England arched his feet with a ready-to-kick stance and decided to speak up. “You...stupid wankers!” He kicked the third person away and then walloped the first two. “Know your manners, stupid gits! If ever I received news that you touched that ‘woman’, I’ll tie you all upside down using a rope and torture you in the plank with crocodiles and sharks hungrily waiting for all of you to fall.”

The three perverted crews shuddered in fear as they scarily listened to the Brit’s statement. Their scared orbs watched him walk away—he was completely mad. It has been a long time since their commander had gotten that mad at them. They have been avoiding that to happen, but it just did. Those three perverts stood there, shaking on their boots.

France looked at the back since he had been hearing such ruckus happening there. And when he did, all he saw was a mad captain walking off and three crews shaking in fear. He began to question himself about what had happened back there, but other people’s businesses are their businesses. So, he stayed there and shrugged the situation off. Instead of worrying about others, he continued contemplating the fluffy clouds in the sky and enjoyed the wonderful breeze from the east.

7:00PM, France’s cabin.

The maize guy went in his cabin three hours ago, since he had a feeling that he would get seasick if he continued gazing at the blue water of the ocean. France decided to just sleep it all away to forget the stress that yesterday’s event had given him.

His cabin’s door creaked again, as it opened on its own. A few seconds after that occurred, a foot showed itself on the little arch at the door’s mouth. It walked towards the sleeping little male and removed his hair on his face. That person watched the young one sleep peacefully, and looked at his pouting lips. It was a natural pouty lip just like what Angelina Jolie has.

The male’s face got closer to the sleeping blonde, showing his pirate hat and was ready to give him a kiss. But with their lips in a distance of ½ inch, he stopped, stood there and continued scrutinizing him in a gentle way.

After a few minutes, the stranger went off from France’s cabin and closed its door. With that, he did his own business and tried to forget what he was about to do seconds ago before he left.

Only a minute was the interval when another person entered France’s cabin. It was the crew who was fantasizing him hours ago—the crew who had thought that the Frenchman’s a girl. His eyes ran on the maize guy’s lips and saw it pouting. Just by seeing it aroused him even more. Those hues of him made its way down the middle of his legs as he began to touch himself.

While he was imagining things between those pretty legs, he commenced an attack on himself—by masturbating. “Ah~” mumbled the male, while he continued doing himself. “If you would be mine—whatever. You will be my own later on, anyway. Oh, shiiiit. I badly want your opening, little lady. I’m sorry, but I’ll be doing this.”

The crew started to top him and placed his hands above his head, which made him not able to move. That, once again, jolted him from his sleep. “Ah! Wha—! Darn, let me go!” The other male wiggled his legs to open France’s entrance as soon as possible to release this pleasure he was feeling. “Shut the bloody hell up, sexy little lady. Let me do you—I promise it’ll be gentle.”

“S-Shut up and let me go!” Since France was just 16 years old, he didn’t have enough strength to push the older man away. That man was in the bracket of 30-40 years of age. The Frenchman struggled off from the stronger one’s grips and tried to escape as soon as he accidentally let go of him, but that crew’s reflexes were also quick. “Non, plaire! This is not a funny joke!”

“You again? You bloody hell of a stupid wanker.”

A familiar voice had heeded its sound, as both of them stopped and looked to where the sound was coming from. “Captain England!” The Frenchman exclaimed.

The crew, still covered in bolt from the blue, dropped his jaw open while he blankly looked at his captain. “C-Cap...t..a...” He accidentally let go of the male as he immediately began to think of a way to explain everything—to make England think that he wasn’t planning something unnecessary. But those images and words he had seen and heard awhile ago wouldn’t even convince him that he was planning something good. “Captain, you got it all wrong! I was—”

“I won’t waste my time listening to your words, ‘mate’.”

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