Chapter 1 - 9 Years Later

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Im 32 now
I was watching my 8 year old half brother Alex; in a pyramid we were in. I was still tired from the flight so I accidentally dozed off into a deep sleep

A girl stood out on her balcony wearing a long see through nightgown.She saw a medjai getting ready for what looks to be war.Upper Egypt wants a fight and they agreed. How I was getting this information was beyond me, but it's like...I already knew...
She was...sobbing...then suddenly two arms wrapped around her waist, a face in the shadows kissed her cheek, reassuring her in ancient egyptian, everything was going to be okay...
She gasped shocked but smiled through her tears at the person holding her.
It was dark,night time...I couldn't see his face. He began to kiss her neck, running his hands up and down her body, taking a gentle squeeze to her breasts, pulling a gasp of pleasure from her.
"I love you"
She said in Egyptian
"And I love beautiful wife....Nathifa"
He said back in Egyptian...he had a deep voice sorta like Ardeth's.....but as soon as it started, it was over.. I woke up
~End Dream~
I yelled but Alex's laughter was heard
"Ohhh Ardeth i love you, how I miss you so"
Alex mocked me. I roll my eyes
"Shut up you little twerp! Did you go somewhere?"
I asked with a raised brow
"Just to Dad.but he made me go back and he told me to be good for you because you're exhausted from studies and training. You've been out for 20 minutes calling for your boyfriend Ardeth"
Alex said making a kissy face. My face grew red, 32 years old and I still felt like a teenager when I was around my little step brother.
"Shut up you're still a midget I don't wanna hear it. Why don't you make yourself useful and continue your studies like Dad told you to"
I said annoyed. He stopped laughing and gave me a dirty look, going back to his book about Egypt. It was quiet again, so I began reading the newest letter from Ardeth. I was hoping to see him. I told him I was going to be here today, we planned this trip about a month ago, so he knew when and where I'd be today...but I have yet to see him....he was pretty busy now he had a promotion with his ranks so he was very busy.
so I began to read.....

My Darling,
When every time I write to you, there's a million things I want to say...a million things going through my head that I want to say to you yet my mind goes blank. How beautiful you are, that beautiful smile that I think about every day. That beautiful body, I have yet to I think about making you mine pains me that we've been together so long and I haven't even got what I hear the kids now a days call 'phone sex'
(I laughed so hard at this, Alex looked at me like I was crazy)
Not a day goes by that I don't think of you, and your beautiful face. I'm counting down the days to when you return to Egypt with your family. I want to see you my are my idea of perfection and I am blessed to call you mine all these years...
All my love to you,
~End letter~
My heart fluttered as I sighed happily, refolding the letter carefully. I save all his letters in a box so I can always remember them. The reason I haven't moved to Egypt yet is because I've been going to collage to be an Archeologist. I just graduated this summer, so now all that's left is for me to get my diploma in the mail, which should be here any day now and then I'll officially be moving here with Ardeth. My Dad doesn't want me to go...he says it's too far from home, which is England. He wants Ardeth to move with us, seeing as the last trip in Hummunaptra made us quite rich, thanks, of course, to Benny who attempted to leave on a camel with a shit ton of the pharoh's gold...but of course, failed, getting trapped in the decaying city to die....getting off topic, sorry. I knew Ardeth's place was here, and I knew mine was as well, but convincing my Dad to let go is always a fight with him...
While Alex set up mouse traps, I looked up hearing voices.I grabbed Alex and made him go upstairs on one of the old ladders that were kind of really loose shaky.
I kept a sharp eye on the 3 of them.One was fat the other was blonde and the last looked mixed.
"Knock knock.Anybody home?"
Said a fat one
"You two check out that stuff see if its there... I'll sort out the O'Connel's"
said the fat guy as he walked off.
~The hell does he want with us?~
I thought
I saw the tall blonde muttering to himself, before I could stop him, Alex shot a rock with his slingshot and hit his neck making him scream
"Jack!Something hit me head!"
Said the blonde to a black male but
held up his gun.
"Shut up Spivey!This place is cursed"
Jack said as 'Spivey' cried in pain
"We do not want to wake the gods"
Jack said and I laugh quietly.
10 minutes later and they were still looking around, waiting for the chunky dude to come back.
Alex went to shoot again but Jack caught it.He found us!
"Come on!"
I said pulling Alex up.Jack started to climb up after us with a big blade in his mouth.There was nowhere to run, so I pulled out my gun. Then suddenly the chunky dude came running out and told them to leave as he kept running. Jack gave us one last look, seeing me pointing my gun at him, before jumping down and running off with the other two, but not before kicking a piece of wood on the stand we were on.It was getting really hard to stand on.Soon the ladder collapsed and instead of breaking bones we jumped, falling on a big support beam then it fell on all the other support beams like a domino effect. We got off and looked around
"Oh shit/Woah!"
Alex and I said in unison.
Alex ran over to try and stop it but I went into big sister mode
"Alex move!"
I yelled as I pulled him out of the way and into the middle of the room.The support fell and a wall smashed open and water rushed out.I held Alex in my arms so if the water would hit us I'd be the one to get the hit.I don't know what I'd do if he got hurt because of me....I had my eyes closed tight waiting for the blast of water, but it never came. Instead I heard Dad and Evy coughing and gagging.I opened my eyes, seeing them drenched laying on the ground. We looked around at the mess Alex and I made
"Yeah um...we had a bit of an issue with some tomb raiders but they knew who we I'm not sure what they wanted"
I said but they kind of didn't care because I guess they found what ever they were looking for back there...we went to the meeting point where Ardeth was supposed to meet me and I waited there for an hour...but he just didn't show up
"Why...wouldn't he show up"
I said hurt
"Jess something probably came up. He is one of the leaders after all"
Evy said. I sighed
"Yeah...I guess so...."
I said defeated and with that, we went home in London and as soon as I got home I checked the mailbox for any letters from Ardeth...non
"Damn it"
I said as i went inside and made some hot chocolate and heated up some cookies in the microwave; it was raining after all so it was kind of chilly. After that I walked out with both,snuggled up in a blanket and watched
'Mysteries of Egypt' it was interesting. I answered most of the riddles they gave the viewers
"Mom what do I do with this chest!It weighs a god dang ton!"
Alex said. I looked up at Evy and her face was kind of surprised.
"Alex watch ur language!"
He jumped at this and put the chest on a table
"Rather weighty this"
He said all properly.I rolled my eyes smiling and started to write back to Ardeth as I listened to my some music on the radio.
I look at Alex and saw Evy with him, but I couldn't hear what they were saying, she looked pissed
"What's wrong Evy?"
I asked
"Alex lost the key to the chest! Alex I'm serious. If you've lost that key you're grounded"
Evy said to Alex
"I haven't lost it I just can't find it"
he said. I sat up
"Well then I guess you better start finding it"
I said giggling as I sipped my hot coco
"I will guys. There's nothing to worry about"
Alex said but I looked up as I heard foot steps. A tall, bulky black male dressed in all red, sort of same type of clothing as a medjai but it was red, he was with a group of men also dressed the same.
"Good evening"
Said the man.
"Who are you?What are you doing here?"
Said Evy as I slowly stood up and walked over to her, never taking eye contact away from them.
"I'm looking for the chest of course"
He said.
Alex grabbed it and held it to his chest
"Give it to me now"
he said
"I strongly advise you stay away from the boy... unless you'd like to lose both of your arms"
I said as Evy took out two swords that were in an umbrella holder, handing me one.
I stood beside her covering Alex
"Get out...of my house"
Evy said bitterly.
"Mom...not the best idea"
Alex said but I glanced back for a second
"Alex get back there and don't move!"
I said as his other men took a step forward, weapons in hand.
"I think its time to yell for Dad"
Alex said
"Relax kid, we got this"
I said in a fighting stance, my sword held up
"Now I will kill you and take it anyway"
Said this guy nonchalantly.
"I think not"
I look back and my heart stopped for a second
I was so surprised to see him but so happy. I wanted to just tackle him and kiss him but given the circumstances, we just didn't have time
"What are you doing here?"
I asked holding up my sword to them
"Perhaps explinations are best kept for later love"
He said as Evy an I nodd
"Ardeth Bay"
Said the bad guy smirking
Ardeth said, then they charged and we all began to fight, keeping Alex sheltered.
I glanced at Ardeth and saw he was still using the golden sword I gave him.
I smile for a split second but focus on kicking these guys asses.
One of them knocked the blade out of my hand but I did a backflip kicking him in the jaw.I then did some jujitsu....

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