Chapter 4 - Balloon Ride

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What I had no idea about was the Medjai had a rather large amount of money, including Ardeth...he had a private jet waiting for us that took us to Egypt faster then ever. I was completely unconscious by then, I was burning up with a fever. Ardeth was trying to keep me cooled with a damp cloth while I was on the jet but it was so painful.
Finally, we arrived in Egypt. I groaned waking up in a bed inside of a really nice looking room.

 I groaned waking up in a bed inside of a really nice looking room

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It was so beautiful, and I instantly knew this was Ardeth's room.
As I got up and walked over to a dresser, I saw a picture
"Yup, this must be Ardeth's place"
I mumbled to myself as I looked at some of the hanging weapons on the wall

me"Yup, this must be Ardeth's place"I mumbled to myself as I looked at some of the hanging weapons on the wall

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I noticed next to the picture of me was a box, filled with all my letters.
I smiled happily at this.
He really did love me....
I loved him more then words could ever describe....
"I guess you're feeling better?"
I heard Ardeth's deep handsome voice. I turned smiling
"I'm feeling so much better...I didn't actually think there were such nice homes in the deserts now a days"
I said and he smirked
"Medjai have their perks and air conditioning" He said and I laughed
"Hey, you made a joke...see I knew you're not always serious"
I said walking up to him and wrapping my arms around his neck, staring up at him. He smiled
"You're so beautiful....I can't believe it's been 9 years since I first laid eyes upon you"
he said kissing my lips.
I kissed back, my heart melting
"I thought we established as I was 20 coming out of Hummanaptra the first time with my dad I looked back at all you Medjai on your horses way up high was when you first laid eyes upon didn't feel that...sensation when our eyes met?"
I asked staring into his chocolate brown eyes. He gently touched my cheek.
"Yes...but I had no idea it would become love between us. I've crossed paths with many people, never to see them ever again...but you.. training in my camp..and then 3 years later I see you again, and it was because you were but a mere girl, calling for help falling in that hole" He said smirking at me. I giggled rolling my eyes.
"Hey, I had to use the bathroom somewhere...I didn't expect the flooring to cave in like that... I'm just glad you saved me..before I became beatle've always had my back...even when I was all the way in me all the support I needed to get my degree in archeology and fighting..I guess that's why you weren't there when we were supposed to meet up?"
I asked. He nodded
"I was already on my way to your home. I knew they'd be coming for all of you...I couldn't let anything happen to you..I would never forgive myself"
He said pulling me against his body. My face started to flush, and my breath became a little bit heavier.
"Well you have me now...what did you want to do about that?"
I asked smirking. He moved closer to my face, there was barely a gap between us now
"I think you know"
he said and kissed me deeply. I kissed back, biting his lip a bit. I heard him take in a deep breath and next thing I knew he was laying me down on the bed.
It's been too long of a wait...those thoughts kept protruding my mind as he began to kiss my neck and gently rub my breasts. I let out a soft moan, driving him to start to bite my neck, which made me go crazy.
"Mmmm that feels so good"
I whispered smiling He smiled back
"I want to make you feel good"
He whispered in my ear and then sadly, we were interupted
we looked, seeing there was a shadow out side his door, but I'm assuming he knew fully well what was going on, and did not want to step inside the room. I blushed instantly sitting up and fixing my hair
"What is it?"
He asked a little annoyed
"O'Connel has called several times about Jessica"
he said
(of course they were speaking in Arabic)
"Alright, tell him we're on our way"
Ardeth said and the man left. He sighed then looked at me
"I guess we'll have to finish this at a later time my love"
He said kissing my lips once more. I smiled at him and got up
"Ugh sometimes I can't stand that damn man! He says I can't date till I'm 30 and I've been with the same man for almost a decade and I can't even have a moment with you!"
I sighed shaking my head
"It's okay. Alex needs ya more. Besides"
I wrapped my arms around his sides and kissed his neck. He inhaled deeply flowing his eyes
"This will not be the last encounter for sure"
I said giggling as I pulled on my shoes.
"I would hope not"
He whispered in my ear before getting himself ready. My heart fluttered.
"Well we're in our 30s now and have yet to marry or have a child let alone I haven't lost my virginity!"
I gasped turning
"Are you-?"
He chuckled
"Although my men like to make jokes about the fact I have yet to lay with a woman...for you... it is worth it"
He said kissing me. I kissed back deeply. Sighing I pulled back
"Guess we should rejoin the troops"
I said smirking as I walked passed him I smacked his ass, making him jump a bit in surprise.
"Sorry, I'm an ass girl"
I said winking at him. He smirked shaking his head
"I can hardly wait to make you mine"
He said kissing my forehead before we walked out.
~Soon my love...very very soon..I hope~
I thought as I grabbed my weapons and we left.

I did however notice I was in this kind of outfit.
It was shorts,a black light jacket, a tanktop and combat boots
"Did you change me?"
I asked in surprise
"I had to. Your clothes were torn and dirty from our last battle..I was a gentleman don't worry"
He said smirking. I giggled rolling my eyes.
I said as I grabbed my weapons and we left on his horse....with the 12 commanders of all the Medjai was...crowded metaphorically speaking. We arrived and I got off with the help of Ardeth.
I walked over hand in hand with Ardeth to Jonathan,Evy,Dad and Izzy.
"Took you long enough"
My Dad said eyeing Ardeth and I suspiciously
"Dad I am 32 years old now.I repeat 32!!Not 16. Stop being so damn protective"
I said annoyed.
"I'm not I'm just saying you two took an awfully long time"
He said smirking.
"I was poisoned?"
I said getting angry.
Ardeth, Jonathan and Evy had a look of total awkwardness. My Dad and I were having a stare down as Evy and Ardeth looked at each other in concern. Evy shook her head and put a hand on Dads shoulder.
"Alright enough you two. Ardeth who are these men back there?"
Evy asked eyeing all the medjai a couple of feet away from us.
"These are the commanders of the 12 tribes of the Medjai...Horus!"
I look and my mouth was ajar at the hawk that flew on his arm
"Hey...Ardeth is that the hawk-"
"No, that was his mother Isis"
He said as I gently pet Horus smiling
"He's so handsome"
I said. Horus sat there enjoying my petting
"Ah,pet bird"
Jonathan said
"He is my best and most clever friend.He will let the commanders know of our progress so that they may follow"
Ardeth said and with that then we started walking to where Izzy's plains were supposed to be
"Rick are you sure Izzy is reliable?"
Evy said unsure, making me laugh
"Not at all"
I said but Izzy glared and Dad cut me off
"Yeah,yeah he's reliable...ish"
Dad said as we turned the corner I saw a balloon.I stopped
"Jeez...I guess my fear of heights never really.. went away"
I said not moving an inch.
"What do you mean? You were fine on the jet" Ardeth said confused
"I was unconscious!"
I said frozen.
"She's not good with open flying objects, she's always scared she's gonna fall out so Ardeth do me a favor and pick her up or drag her or something, she won't make another step unless you force her to"
Dad said looking back at me shaking his head.
"I'm sorry"
I said and he smirked
"Its me I feel the same...why can't you people keep your feet on the ground?"
Ardeth asked as we got on the...balloon...or as Izzy calls it...deligerable
"What happend to an airplane Izzy?"
I asked while being piggy backed by Ardeth
"Airplanes are a thing of the past"
Izzy said walking up to us
"Izzy u were right"
Dad said
"I was?"
Izzy asked a little too happy to hear that
"Yeah, you're gonna get shot"
He finished as my Dad went to pull out his gun
"Woah!Woah!Woah!She's fast!And quiet...real quiet.Which is a very good thing.Unless of course we go with your approach...barging in face first guns blazing,and getting your friends shot in the ass!"
He said and I laughed in an uncaring but amused laugh.
"Hahaha...that was funny"
I said making Izzy glare.I was still nervous but Ardeth was with me so I felt a little bit better.
So I got off Ardeth and walked on holding Ardeth's hand tightly.So with that we flew off it was fast!We flew past the pyramids and over the desert, trying to catch up to my brother and these ass holes.
(Night time)
I was leaning my head on Ardeth's shoulder gently petting Horus. Jonathan sat down "O'Connel does not want to believe,but he flies like Horus towards his destiny"
I pecked Ardeth's hand as I laced my fingers with his.
"Yes,very interesting.Tell me some more about this gold pyramid"
Jonathan said. I rolled my eyes.
"Well it is written that since the time of the Scorpion king,no man who has ever laid eyes upon it has ever lived to tell the tale"
Ardeth said, as Horus curled up in my lap and fell asleep. I smiled gently petting him.
" it"
Jonathan said pulling out the golden rod thing that Dad gave Izzy, that was originally Jonathans.
"Pretty nice eh?"
Jonathan said
"It's all I have left in the world.The rest of my fortune was lost to some unscrupulous characters, actually"
Jonathan said
"You mean gambling?"
I asked smirking. Jonathan gave me a shit it look.
"If the curater reacted to it the way you say, it must be very important. If I were you I would keep it close"
Ardeth said.
I shivered slightly from the cold, being up so high
"My friends,the gods couldn't take this away from me"
Jonathan said but Izzy snatched it away
"Keep your hands off of you go mate"
Izzy handed Ardeth a blanket, to which he took, putting it around my shoulders.
"Ardeth...I need to talk to you somehow in private"
I whispered. He looked confused but nodded.
"I'm really we're gonna lay down for a bit"
I said fake yawning.
My dad said with a raised brow, but we went below deck, where it was supposed to be a storage unit but there was hardly anything in it. I lit a lantern and put it on a crate.I layed out the blanket and lied on it and motioned for Ardeth to come over
(Next is a lemon so if you wanna skip you can )

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