Chapter 8 - Evy

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I got up out of the balloon alng with everyone else
"We're gonna go get my son,then we're gonna wanna get out of here fast,so make this work Izzy"
Dad said
"No,no,you dont understand god damn it!This thing was built with gas.I need gas to get this thing off the ground. Where am i gonna get gas from around here?Huh?Bananas?Mangos?Tarzan's ass?Well maybe I could finagle it to make it take hot air.But do you know how many cubic meters I'd need?It's to big!"
All the while he was complaining we were grabbing our weapons and supplies we brought.
"If anybody can do it its you Izzy"
Dad said as we walked off
Ardeth called. Horus scared me because he landed on my arm as I stretched
"Ow Horus no not me Ardeth.Go to Ardeth sweety!"
I said and he flew to Ardeth.
Ardeth chuckled
"He likes you"
Ardeth said as he put another paper in Horus' carrier and then Horus flew off
"Dad whats the plan?"
I asked and he glanced back
"Lets find some higher ground"
Dad said and as we walked we heard a gun shot.I gasped
Ardeth yelled....but Horus didnt come back
"I must go"
He said.I could see that he was hurt beyond belief
Dad asked walking over to us
"I must let the commanders know where we are"
Ardeth said icily
"You cant go"
I said scared of my vision repeating itself
"If the Army of Anubis araises-"
"I need you to help me find my son"
Dad said despreatly.He glanced at me and saw I was avoiding eye contact with a look of sadness
"Then first I shall help you"
Ardeth said
"Thank you"
Dad said as we continued to walk.I didnt want to say anything...I was scared I might say something that could set him off
We were on a cliff loading our guns.I still hadnt said a word to Ardeth.I could feel his eyes on me every ow and then
"You hear that?"
Dad said
Ardeth asked
"Nothing...absolutely nothing"
Dad said as he walked over to Evy giving Ardeth the opertunity he wanted to talk to me
"Why dont you talk to me?"
Ardeth now sat beside me
"I was scared I might say the wrong thing at the wrong time"
I said but he kissed my lips gently
"Horus will live in wasn't your fault"
Ardeth said
"Ardeth youre lying.I can see the pain in your have to be truthful with me...we both do or we'll never get to where we want to be"
I said and he sighed
"Im sorry you are right"
He said and i nod
"Its ok"
I hugged him and as he held me tightly Jonathan broke the moment
"I say chaps,look at this.Shrunken heads,I'd love to
know how they do that"
Uncle J said and I let go of Ardeth as we all glare at him
"Just curious"
Uncle J said plainly as Ardeth and i walked over to him
"You any good with that?"
Ardeth asked Uncle J who was holding a shot gun
"Three times Fox and Hounds grand champion.I'll have you know...Jess since when are you good with swords?"
he asked me.I smirk and in a mere half second I pulled the sword to his throat
"I've mastered all weaponry and hand to hand.. but I wouldnt test that on you Uncle J"
I said putting my sword away smiling at ease. "The only way to kill an Anubis warrior is by taking off its head"
Ardeth said smirking.
"I'll remember two are so much alike" He said and I smile
"So we've heard"
I said as I picked up my shot gun and loaded it.Ardeth walked over to me
He said and i look at him
"Make sure you keep it tight to your chest...and follow the target then shoot"
Ardeth said starring into my eyes
"I promise Ardeth...I wont miss"
I said and he nodded as I touched his cheek gently and he kissed me deeply.We made out for about 3 minutes until he pulled away without warning and followed Dad down.I did what Ardeth said and watched patiently.The wind began to pick up and lightning and thunder clashed.Evy and I kneeled down and redied ourselves.Evy,Jonathan,and I all shot men in Dad's way of getting to Alex.I watched Ardeth and Lock-nah fight.Ardeth started to lose only because Lock-Nah was bigger then him but Ardeth pulled through and killed Lock-nah.I gasp seeing a man about to kill Ardeth but I shot him.Ardeth jumped but looked up seeing me standing with a feirce expression.He nodded at me and i smile
"I'll be with you soon!"
I yelled and he nodded and ran off.
"Guys that's my Q...good luck"
I said and hugged Evy and Uncle J and ran off. I had to find the desert that let out of this jungle. I had to find Ardeth. As I was trying to find a way out, I found Horus dead on the ground. I took in a deep breath
I said kneeling down and gently touching him. He twitched! I noticed he was looking right at me.
"Oh my god....he only got your wing! He only got your wing!"
I said laughing with joy. I ripped my shirt with one of my blades that I had on me, and turned my shirt into a belly shirt, I then began to wrap his wing, gently but tight, to stop any further bleeding or damage. I smiled happily
"Oh Ardeth is going to be so happy that I-"
I gasped falling to my knees, holding my head.... I saw a vision, but it wasn't from the was like I was the catacombs of where my Dad and the others were...I saw Anaksunamun had just stabbed Evy in the gut with a blade!
"EVY! NO!"
I yelled scooping up Horus and running like my life depended on it, being mindful of Horus and his injury. Once I reached the catacombs I saw that they were just outside and Anaksunamun leaving with Imhotep to enter the catacombs. I handed Jonathan Horus very quickly, tears brimming my eyes, they were all actually surprised to see me, but I pulled out my blade and threw it as hard as I could, not hitting her where I wanted, which was her spine, crippling her so I could finish her off, but I managed to get her shoulder. She screamed in pain, turning swiftly to me
She said in pain. Imhotep turned on a heel and glared at me
He said helping her up. I glared at both of them. Imhotep held his hand up and in an instant I was pushed back by mere force and I fell to the ground with a hard thud
My dad yelled running to me.
"I'm fine...but..Evy...I saw this and...I just....I had to come back"
I said as tears fell. He shook his head
"She's gone"
He said letting a few tears fall. My heart was pounding in my chest
"I have to kill her. I have to avenge her I-"
"Hey..Jess...Jess! No!"
My Dad shook me. I looked up at him as I started to sob. He pulled me close as I cried and pulled Alex too. Jonathan had sat down on a bolder and started to cry.
"Listen I'll avenge her...I'll kill Imhotep and I'll make sure she gets what's coming to her. Evy was right your place is here with  Ardeth..I don't want to let you go're my baby girl and all I have left of your mother but after all but she was right...I have to do need to stand beside him and fight the army of anubis while I take care of them and the scorpion king okay?"
My dad said wiping away my tears. I sighed, getting myself together, and nodded at him
I said. He nodded and kissed my head
"Jonathan you keep him safe"
Dad said and ran inside. I looked at Alex and kneeled down to him, touching his shoulder
"Get the black book're the only one who can bring her back"
I said. He looked and Jonathan and Jonathan nodded
"She's got shouldn't be too difficult to get it from her"
I said. He looked offended
"She's a girl. I can take her"
Jonathan said. I shook my head
"That girl, is now Anaksunamun. She kicked mine and Evy's asses in our past lives. All those fighting skills she has again. So don't hold back. Get the book and bring Evy back..I know you can do it"
I said taking Horus and hopping on a random horse that was chillin there, probably one of Imhoteps or something, I didn't care at that point. I had to get to Ardeth before he started to worry where I was.
"Time to go find Ardeth"
I said and let my electric connection to him lead the way....

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