Chapter 7 - Ahm Shere

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"Jess come on!"
Ardeth said and I helped him pull me up
He sat me down
"You saw it too didnt you Evy?"
I asked shivering
"Every step of the way"
She said.Ardeth wrapped his arms around my waist protectivly as I sat in his lap
"Ladies,I know you havent been yourselves lately with all ur dreams and visions-"
"No no their memories of our past"
Evy explained
"It all makes perfect sence now"
I said more to myself then to anyone
"And thats the reason we found the bracelett?"
Dad asked
"Exactly.I was its protector...Jess...she was born a medjai but she was given to the royal family of lower Egypt because they needed a princess so they gave the family their first born of the most powerful Medjai in lower egypt... Ardeth was the most powerful in two were married"
Evy said and I nodded
"Yes...its true"
I said and Ardeth spoke
"Now do you believe me my friend?Clearly you were destined to protect this woman...and we... are destined to be together"
Ardeth said taking my chin and making me look at him
"Right...she's a reincarnated princess and Im a warrior of god"
Dad said sarcastically about him and Evy
"And your son leads the way to Ahm Shere.3 sides of the pyramid.This was all preordained thousands of years ago"
Ardeth said holding me
"And how does the story end?"
Evy asked
"Only the journey is shown not the destination"
Ardeth said
Dad said sarcastically
"How else do you explain the girls' visons?"
Ardeth asked
Dad stll wasnt seeing it
"Dad!Theres a fine line between coincedence and fate"
I said but he sighed
"Wait...that explains the dream I had before this whole thing even started"
I said and Evy motioned me to go on
"Well...its kinda personal"
I said blushing
"Jess it may be vital"
Evy said but i sigh
"Ok...9 year's ago I had a dream..I remember seeing a girl...she was crying"
I said as i got up and looked at the horizon
"I remember seeing abunch of...Medjai preparing for what looked to be a war.I remember seeing the girl have 2 arms wrap around her from behind.She turned and begged whom ever not to leave her...I heard him say he would come back and marry her... but he didnt...he died...and she poisoned herself...sorta like romeo and juliet...I think that guy I saw...was a Medjai.Im thinking it was Ardeth...and Im thinking that girl was... me...or...Nethifa...either way I know what I have to do in order for history to no repeat itself"
I said
"And that is?"
Dad wanted me to go on
"Whatever is coming I have to fight beside him against the Army of Anubis...thats my destiny.. if I dont history will repeat itself and Ardeth will die"
I said seriously
Dad said bluntly but i look at him
"Dad...Im 32 you really cant tell me whats right and wrong"
I said but he sighed in annoyance
"You remind me of your age constantly but here's the thing Jess. I dont want you out there alone"
He said making me glare
"Believe it or not Im talented at fighting and I wont be alone...Ardeth will be there every step of the way"
I said smiling to him.
"Rick...she's right.I know we'll worry about her but this is her fate.We all have a part to play and hers is fighting with Ardeth"
Evy said and I smile nodding. Rick shook his head and walked to the end of the balloon.
(later in the afternoon)
We got to Karnak and as the boys checked out the train Evy and I checked out Karnak.We gasp seeing Alex's tie
Evy and I yelled in unison.They came up in a flash.I walked over to this tiny sand castle
"Alex left his tie"
Evy said
"And he made us a little sand castle look!"
I said bending down closer
"Looks like the Temple of Philae"
I said
"They've gone to Philae"
Evy said
"At-a boy Alex"
Dad said getting up then we ran off
(skip scene)
We got there and when we did, we found his jacket,Evy took it and under it was
"The great temple of Abu Simbel"
Evy said as she did Ardeth rolled up a small note and put it on Horus' note carrir and he flew off
(skip scene)
We were riding over the nile bewtween 2 rock walls
"We must be out of Egypt by now"
Dad said looking around
"In ancient times this belonged to the upper kingdom the oasis must be around here somewhere"
Evy said worried about Alex
"Dont worry Evy,we'll find him.He's a smart kid.He'll leave us a sign"
Dad said holding Evy in his arms.
(Skip scene)
It was quiet...too quiet...suddenly I look back and gasp.The nile was flooding this whole area coming after us
"Guys!We have a problem"
I said and they all looked back at me and saw what I saw
"Horus fly!"
Ardeth said and Horus flew away
"Izzy!Come hard right!Starboard!Starboard!"
Dad yelled and just as we're to be swallowed by water formed Imohtep's face!Izzy pushed a lever and we blasted out of there turbo speed. We fell back and I almost fell out but Ardeth was quick enough to catch me.We almost got away but we werent quick enough!The nile splashed harshly.When all the water was gone I was on top of Ardeth dizzy as hell
I said as Ardeth helped me up
"Are you alright Jess?"
Ardeth asked me. I smile nodding.Izzy got up
"Was there alittle something you forgot to mention?Hmm?"
He asked us pissed but we ignored that
"Uh people"
Jonathan said and we all turn and saw Ahm Shere.
"Ahm Shere"
Ardeth said but I sigh catching my breath.Dad grabbed his telescope and looked straight ahead
Dad said and we heard a noise.We turn and saw the nile coming back
"Hang on!"
Izzy said and we went turbo again but it stopped after like a second
"Well thats not good"
He said ducking
"Hang on!"
Dad yelled.We took cover.Ardeth put me on the floor and covered me with his body protecting me.We went tumbling down...

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