Chapter 5 - Hot and Heavy

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He crawled over and I kissed him deeply and he kissed back
"If you want what I think you want,we have to stay quiet...this is hardly the place for our first time"
Ardeth said but I shrugged
"I don't care...I'll keep quiet then...I love you.... I think we've waited long enough...we won't have another chance..and..who knows if we'll make it out alive. If I'm to die I want to die knowing I gave you all of me"
I said sadly.
He kissed my lips
"Don't talk like that...I will make you mine tonight.."
He said and we began to make out heavily. I quickly pulled off my shirt and kissed him again. He took off his own shirt and began to kiss my neck as he unstrapped my bra. He pulled back looking over my body.I blushed looking him over as well..he definitely was fit and sexy...
"You're too beautiful"
Ardeth whispered and kissed me again. I blushed and kissed back.
"So are you"
I whispered honestly. He smiled and soon enough he was using one hand to massage my left breast and his other to pull down my shorts. I quickly pulled them off in frustration, wanting him badly. He pulled back and smirked seeing my Hello Kitty thong
"What is this?"
He asked pointing to the kitty face on my hip.I blushed
"It's an trend called Hello Kitty! Don't make fun of me I like them"
I said blushing more.
He chuckled again,
"I'm not. They are cute"
He said and began to kiss me again.He moved to my neck,to my collar bone, to my right breast. I gasped quietly in ecstasy.
"We're gonna have to keep this quiet"
I whispered to Ardeth. I groaned under my breath at the vibration of his agreement. I gasped as I felt fingers playing with my clit.
I gasped in pleasure. Ardeth pulled away
"You're already my touch like fire to you?"
Ardeth asked me, staring into my eyes.
Into my soul.
"I haven't seen you in 6 months Ardeth...I haven't been able to be on these life and death adventures with you for nine years. I missed it all... and knowing I haven't been able to claim you as mine is unacceptable your touch makes me whole body tingle so I want to remember it"
I told him honestly.
He smiled and kissed me deeply as he took off his pants.I blushed,
"You-you don't wear boxers or... underwear?"
I asked
"It's hot, it is easier to not wear undergarments at all"
He said shrugging
"Oh makes take me"
I whispered kissing him deeply. He kissed back and straddled my waist.
"Ardeth, take me now"
I whispered to keep my Dad from listening
"Alright my love"
Ardeth said and took off my thong and then soon enough, as he was kissing me, I felt the stingy pain of him inside of me. To think all these years I saved myself for him. I didn't regret one bit.
Soon enough the pain went away and Ardeth was slamming into me...but slow paced so we didn't cause vibration or noise.
Luckily, I was doing really good at keeping quiet. The blissful pleasure of my first time soon ended and Ardeth and I were cuddling breathless and sweaty. I looked down at my stomach and then looked up at Ardeth
"It'd be nice if...we had a baby...I've wanted one for a while now"
I said blushing.He was surprised to hear this
"You have my child?"
He asked making me giggle.
"Yes...I love you..there's nothing more that I want then to simply be with you and start a family Ardeth...I want to be Jessica Bay"
I said blushing. He kissed my lips sweetly
"I love you more than you will ever know"
He said making my heart beat.
"Maybe we'll have a son"
I said, he looked at me
"To be honest...I want a daughter"
He said and I smile at him
"Either way...I just want to have your baby"
I said as he kissed me deeply and we went to sleep in eachother's arms......

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