Chapter 9 - War

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Ardeth's Pov)
I was worried that Jessie would get hurt trying to find me but then...I heard a bird sounded like...I looked up and saw Horus fly on my shoulder.My eyes widened in disbelief
"Who knew what a mere Medjai like myself could do"
I look up seeing Jessie on a black horse smiling
(My pov)Ardeth looked shocked but then smiled
"Im not sure how you did it...but so much"
He said and I laugh
"What are lovers for"
I said kissing him but then we got realy serious
"Horus go fly somewhere safe far away...and when the war is over come find us"
I said and Horus flew off
"Jess I dont want you to fight.Just let me protect you"
Ardeth said but I shook my head kissing him deeply
"Anak-su-namun just killed my step mother...I refuse to lose my lover...I refuse to be Nithifa"
The army of Anubis began to rise.Ardeth looked at me sadly"
How did u-"
"I sensed her leaving the earth...she's gone"
I said sadly
"I refuse to lose at all"
I said and Ardeth sighed
"Fine...but be careful....charge!"
Ardeth yelled that last part in Arabian and we all charged at the army of Anubis.We soon collided with the army and began to fight.I got knocked off my horse so I fought on foot cutting head after head but I stayed close to Ardeth thats what he wanted after all.It took us 20 minutes to kill them all but finally they died off...
or so I thought...
I felt a sence coming at us...
I started to shake as i walked slowly to the sand hill up ahead.Everyone stopped cheering and looked at my trembling form
"Jess what is i-"
He stopped his sentence and saw like a million Anubis warriors coming twords us in the distance
"God help us"
Ardeth said in Arabian.I held his arm but held my blade tightly ready for what was about to come.Ardeth looked at me.I looked back
"Till death do us part"
I whispered sweetly.He looked at me then all the other Medjai men
"Until Death!"
He yelled in arabian and soon after everyone else repeated what he said.We stood there ready to fight.We were(or atleast I was)scared shitless but non the less was ready to take on this evil.Just as they reached us they turned into a black mist and engulfed us as I held onto Ardeth for dear I opened my eyes they were all gone!Every last one!We all began to cheer out of happiness.I kissed Ardeth deeply...but pulled back as I threw up
"Im sorry to offend you"
Ardeth said with a smirk
(he was kidding)
"Ha ha no...that was unexpected"
I said as Ardeth rubbed my back but then we all looked up seeing...Im guessing the Scorpion's face in the black dust.But vanished inside Ahm Shere's pyramid.Ardeth held me up
(skip scene)I was on the horse with Ardeth when I saw Izzy's ballon passing
I asked and Ardeth chuckled
He said as I shot a letter for Evy-I knew Alex would bring her back...It hit the basket succesfully

(Evy's Pov)
Dear mom,
Thankyou for helping raise me over the nine seemed like only yesterday you were hitting me in my head for cursing..good times... Im staying in Egypt with Ardeth.This is my home...I know it in my soul...that and its a perfect place to keep my grandfather's wishes going and raise our soon to be baby as a medjai. I hope you'll visit...and when you do...could you drop off my things that are in my room?Im gonna need it.Well I'll write once a weeek...I love all of until then Sincearly Jessica Marie*soon to be*Bay
PS:Hope I see you and Dad at the wedding...which will be in 3 months from today.Love you...~

Evy smiles and blew a kiss. After that they all waved and we waved back as Ardeth had the horse stand on its hind legs then go back down. After that life was good. Peaceful again.
The end

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