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Aisha grew up alongside her half-sister, Fatima who was Ma Kesem's niece. Her father had died in an auto-crash a year ago so Ma Kesem brought her in to live with her as her second daughter and as Aisha's younger sister.

Though, Aisha was only three years older than Fatima. She was grateful to a have a sister. Someone she could grow up with and play with. She never cared about the fact that Fatima was from a different race.

The sisters played with the other kids in their street. When they came home from school in the evening. They would gather around and play all sorts of games they could think of. Some of Aisha's friends called her 'Afro-Rapunzel'. A nickname which Aisha loved because of her thick long hair and her blue colored eyes.

"Aisha! Fatima! Get here right now!" Ma Kesem yelled as she stood at the front door of her house.

Aisha and Fatima's eyes met each other as they played with their friends. They realized they were in big trouble because Ma Kesem had warned them a countless number of times never to stay outside playing when the sun set.

Aisha and Fatima raced to their house before Ma Kesem could call their name again because that would be another trouble entirely. There was nothing worse than when Ma Kesem called their names twice when they were in trouble and they didn't answer. It was like adding salt to an injury.

Ma Kesem held the iron door open as Aisha and Fatima entered. She took her time and shut it lock then turned and faced her daughters with her hands on her waist in akimbo.

The face Ma Kesem made, frightened Fatima so much, she hid behind Aisha.

"Mom, we're sorry" Aisha quickly said.

"Yes mom. We really are" Fatima added to backup Aisha's statement.

Ma Kesem took a deep breath as she stared at her daughters. "What did I say about staying out late?" She asked.

"We might get kidnapped" Aisha answered.

"And you disobeyed me. You're twelve, Aisha. You should know better"

"I'm sorry"

"Sorry doesn't heal the scars, Aisha"

Aisha was at her study table reading a book she had borrowed from her school library. She forced herself to read the tiny words printed on the pages of the book because the candle light was too dim for her to read besides she had a poor eye sight. She yawned and closed her book then wore her jacket which she had hung on the back of her chair. She emptied all the books in her bag before hanging it on her back.

There was a light knock on Aisha's room door.

Aisha hoped it wasn't Ma Kesem or else she would have to explain why she was wearing a jacket with her bag on her back. Her left palm still felt sore because of the beatings she had received from Ma Kesem an hour ago. Ma Kesem had beaten her more times than she beat Fatima. Ma Kesem explained she scolded her more because she is the eldest and she ought to set a good example for Fatima.

"Come in. The door is open" Aisha said.

Fatima walked inside the room and closed the door carefully so it wouldn't make any noise which would wake Ma Kesem.

Aisha breathed out, relieved that it wasn't Ma Kesem.

"Does your palm still hurt because mine still does" Fatima said in her cute sweet voice. She didn't really look like an Asian kid. Her lips were light pink and her cheeks were plump even her eyes weren't really slanted like Ma Kesem's eyes. She looked more like an Asian-American.

"Of course but I'm fine" Aisha responded.

"At least you, you can still do your homework" Fatima sighed because Ma Kesem had beaten her on her right palm.

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