Breakfast at Tiffany

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Hadeza had been feeling left out ever since Aisha came into the big picture. It seemed her mother had suddenly turned all her attention towards Aisha.

Cathay was treating Aisha like she was some sort of lost princess who had been rescued or her prodigal son who has returned home after donkey years.

While Hadeza was off duty, she dropped by a newly opened restaurant in the city for lunch. Hadeza bloated her cheeks and walked tiredly to the counter to give her food orders. She sat on a long stool and stared at the menu while waiting for one of the waiters to attend to her. "Excuse me" She said to a waiter at the counter.

The waiter approached Hadeza. He was tall and lean. Hadeza assumed he was Muslim because he wasn't wearing the restaurant cap instead he wore his traditional Muslim hat on his head. His I.D card that showed he was a staff in the restaurant was clipped on the chest pocket of his shirt.

"Can I have a--" Hadeza hummed as she still wasn't sure on what to eat.

The waiter corked his left brow at Hadeza as he waited for Hadeza to give her order. "I'll have a cheese belly burger sandwich" She said not feeling sure of her.

"A cheese what?!" The waiter responded, surprised.

"Wait" Hadeza cried. "I'll just a have a milkshake"

"Don't you want the usual today?" The waiter said nicely to Hadeza.

Hadeza looked surprised. She wondered what the waiter was talking about. "I have a usual?" She asked.



"Yeah" The waiter confirmed.

Hadeza realized the waiter must have mistaken her for Aisha because this was her first time here and Aisha's favourite food was beanscake. "No, no. Just give me a cheese burger and a milkshake"

Some minutes later, Ma Kesem rushed out of the kitchen with Hadeza's meal. She stopped when she saw Hadeza sitting at the counter. She gave a defeated sigh as she saw it was Aisha's twin sister and not Aisha herself. The waiter who took Hadeza's order had earlier told her in the kitchen that Aisha wanted to eat something different today which was quite surprising. She slowly walked towards Hadeza and dropped her meal in front her on the counter. It was her first time meeting Hadeza. Hadeza's strong resemblance with Aisha took her breath away. It looked awkward seeing Aisha with a low cut. She never thought Aisha would cut her hair.
Her facial expression and the way Hadeza sucked her lower lip surprised her.

Hadeza smiled back at Ma Kesem and took her meal from the counter. She brought out money from her pocket and gave to Ma Kesem but Ma Kesem gently pushed the money back to her on the counter.

"It's free" Ma Kesem said.

Hadeza's eyes widened. "Why?"

"You're my daughter's sister"

Hadeza looked confused. "So, you are -"

Ma Kesem nodded. "I'm Aisha's mother. I raised her and it's finally nice to see you. You know, Aisha has told me a lot about you"

Hadeza smiled brightly like someone that had just won the lottery not because she had just met Aisha's mother but because of the free meal. "Wow" She said joyfully. "It's so nice to meet you, this must be the restaurant my mom got you"


"It's cool. You're cool" Hadeza said and sipped her milkshake as she tried not to sound awkward.

Ma Kesem chuckled. She gave Hadeza an awkward stare like a secret admirer.

Hadeza didn't care by the way Ma Kesem was staring at her. She tried hiding her face but it was no use.

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