Chocolate cream soldier

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Hadeza had recovered from the injuries she sustained from the accident she was involved in. Though she was given a break from work so she could heal better. She wasn't concerned about Obadiah being abducted by Khadija. She just wanted to get the truth from her mother. It was certain that her mother was hiding a lot from her. She didn't know much about her late father. Her mother had never told her she had siblings. Her mother had a lot of explaining to give.

Aisha, on the other hand, became closer to Cathay. She invited Ma Kesem and Fatima for dinner at her mother's house. It was the best meeting ever. She wanted Ma Kesem to meet Hadeza, but unfortunately, she wasn't around. She convinced her mother to open a restaurant for Ma Kesem, but Cathay did the unexpected and bought the restaurant that Ma Kesem worked in and gave to her as her gift.

In Khadija's world. She kept Obadiah in a room in an abandoned ship without any food or water. A day after his abduction, she had him tied to a chair and then beat him up to pulp from dusk till dawn. When Obadiah finally asked why she's doing all this to him. She became more angry and beat him more.

"The woman you paid me to kill. Who is she to you?" Khadija asked Obadiah. She walked around him in circles. She still had enough strength in her body to continue with her exercise. She wore only a white T-shirt and a pair of jeans and they were both soaked in sweat.

Obadiah managed to talk with the little strength left in him. "I thought you never cared about who your clients paid you to kill?"

Khadija giggled. "You answered my question with a question," She said. She stopped and sat on stool, which she had placed a few inches in front of Obadiah. "Tell me the truth, Reign," She said in a calm tone.

Obadiah sighed and decided to be honest with Khadija. He didn't know Khadija's name. He only knew her as Nostalgia, so he said, "Hey, Kid. That b*$=h I paid you to kill is the reason I was behind bars. She called the cops on me because I beat her up. "
Khadija drew her stool closer to Obadiah as he talked.

Obadiah continued. "I got carried away because of a little drink, and I came home one night and -"

"Beat her up." Khadija completed Obadiah's statement. "Wasn't she your wife?" She asked like a schoolgirl.

"That b*+#h was nobody's wife," Obadiah said arrogantly.

Khadija hummed for a while and squeezed her face, then pointed at Obadiah with her right index finger. "You were put behind bars because of domestic violence. You deserve to serve your time in prison for domestic violence, Reign"

Obadiah stared at Khadija.

Khadija was still looking at Obadiah even though he had looked away.

"Now you sound more like that b!<*h," Obadiah whispered rudely.

"Obviously," Khadija said and stared at Obadiah wide-eyed. She removed a lighter from her back pocket and easily rotated it in between her fingers. She grabbed it sharply and gazed at Obadiah. "I'm sure you must have been really horrible to her. And her daughter. You must have been a really terrible father, " She said under her breath.

Obadiah looked at Khadija. He wondered how she knew about Cathay's daughter, Hadeza, even though the last time he saw her was when she was eight years old. He thought Hadeza would look different now, and he probably wouldn't recognize her because she was grown. "Why do you care about her?" He cried loudly. "You abduct me. Torture and beat me up like I'm some punching bag because of that b*#+h!"

"That b¡*+h is my mother!" Khadija screamed at Obadiah's face. She stood up angrily and punched Obadiah on both sides of his cheeks with the lighter in her fist repeatedly. "How do you want it? Should I make it quick or slow? She asked.

Obadiah couldn't believe his ears. He assumed Khadija was Hadeza. He recognized her eyes, and they hadn't changed. He thought Hadeza was going to do to him everything she saw him do to her mother when she was a kid. Instead of apologizing or asking for mercy, he asked. "What pleasure do you derive from killing people, kid?"

Khadija stopped walking and stood behind Obadiah. She unexpectedly slapped his upper arms and massaged them warmly. "I love killing people, actually. Not animals or kids, but people"

"You know I used to think you'd grow up to be an angel" Obadiah said.

"Yes. People, " Khadija confirmed. "It thrills me, and deep down, it makes me happy. Decapitation is my favourite. I prefer swords and knives over guns. Guns are too quick. You can't savour all those emotions all at once, so I use knives because they're much slower. I love to see the look on their faces before the big swing. " Khadija hummed in a cynical way. She added, "Looking into their eyes, their soul, begging and pleading for mercy. I get to see who people really are when they're scared. I feel like God sometimes"

Obadiah was scared by everything Khadija was saying. He was going to die in the hands of a sick and twisted psychopath. He felt nervous as he thought Khadija would snap his neck any minute from now. "You have no right to play God?"

Khadija chuckled a bit, "Why be an Angel when I can play God?"

"What's a god to an unbeliever?," Obadiah said.

"I don't know, Ricky Gervais, Japanese people, the old Kanye, Brian Griffin from family guy, Squidward, Thomas Jefferson, John Lennon. They're all powerful people who ruled the world at some point and they never believe in God" Khadija giggled.

Obadiah became more scared than ever. He had done horrible things too, but cutting someone else's face and wearing it as a mask wasn't one of them. "You're crazy!" He shouted.

"I've been called worse,"

"Like?" Obadiah asked, feeling curious.

Khadija froze then answered "A monster."

Khadija shook her head with a hidden smirk. She lowered her head beside Obadiah's head and whispered in his ear, "Killing must feel good to God. He does it all the time, and are we not created in his own image?"

"May God save us from people like you," Obadiah whispered out loud.

Khadija stared at Obadiah. She wondered what Obadiah meant by what he said.

"People like me? You of all people should know this. We're monsters!" She raised her voice. "God gave up on us a very long time ago,"

Obadiah rolled his head in disbelief.

"You and I are very much alike, And guess what?" Khadija cried. "God don't give a damn about people like us, and if he did, he wouldn't, Religion is supposed to be based on love, not fear. They use the fear of God to rule over people. You think people worship God because they love him. They fear him because they're scared of spending the rest of their miserable, worthless lives in hell. "

"Please don't," Obadiah pleaded.

Khadija lusciously licked Obadiah's ear lobe and breathed on his skin. She walked and stood in front of Obadiah and stared directly into his eyes. She smiled with a sinister look in her eyes. She ignited the lighter and held it close to her mouth like she was lighting an invisible cigarette.

"So tell me, Reign, do you still believe in God?" Khadija asked.

"Which one?" Obadiah asked in a sluggish way.

Khadija chuckled and then frowned at Obadiah. "You think you are funny, but you're not."

Obadiah kept quiet and looked away.

Khadija nodded and walked to the door to go outside. She still hadn't decided on what to do with Obadiah. As she opened the door, she stopped and turned around and stared at Obadiah from the corner of her eye.

Obadiah looked at Khadija and asked, "Aren't you going to kill me, Hadeza?"

"Huh?" Khadija muttered like she didn't hear what Obadiah said.

Obadiah groaned. "Isn't that what you do? Kill people"

"I won't kill you. Hadeza won't kill you either, but Nostalgia will"

Obadiah screamed when he saw Khadija about to leave through the door. "So you are just going to leave me here to rot and die?"

Khadija stood outside and yelled, "The ropes were never tied." She slammed the door shut and disappeared into the shadows.

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