Chapter 1

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Note: This is part of a series please read the mailman first, (the title used to be Rightfully His) first than Wrongfully His.

Lukas' (POV):

I don't like being touched, I don't like people and I don't like anything. People usually took immediate notice in that about me and often left me alone right away. I made it pretty obvious. No one ever pays attention to me, and I very much preferred it that way.

Not even my brothers gave two shits about me, but that's because it's part of second nature to do that when you're related to assholes. The final bell rang, signaling the end of last period of high school.

I purposely waited until everyone else left the classroom, just to avoid any physical or social contact until I reached down to my side and scooped up my book bag. I wanted to leave once the coast was clear. "Lukas?" My eyes peered up curiously to Mr. Eriksson.

One my teachers. "If you ever need anybody to talk to, i'm always here..." He calmly suggested. Like every other day. He really needed to leave me alone. He wasn't going to make any progress with me, and he really shouldn't bother trying. I gave him a stiff nod and quickly rushed out of the room. Eager to get the hell out of here.

Mr. Eriksson, gave me the creeps ever since he started teaching at the only high school in this small town. The school was small, and so were the people's minds. He always tried to talk to me every time he had the chance to, but its beginning to drive me up the wall though.

I never talked to anybody about it, I never talked to anybody about pretty much anything. But that's partially my fault.

I frowned, curling the heavy textbooks into my arms. My brothers, never waited for me after school. Even when one of my dads told them to. They always drove off on their Harley motorbikes and headed off to the family bar for a couple of free drinks.

I'm not like most people my age. I'd rather be alone, away from danger, and locked up in my room with my nose in my books. I always felt the safest when I was alone. But just like my brothers, my dads didn't understand anything about me. No one did, but that's partially my fault.

I have the tendency to shut people out when all they want to do is to get closer to me. I shivered when the afternoon picked up a slight breeze. Nipping at my skin.

The school parking lot was practically deserted while I slowly trudged my feet forward. I had to get home sometime. The library could wait.

I kept my eyes glued to the ground when I heard a familiar voice call out my name from behind me. It was Mr. Eriksson. "Lukas, wait up!" He urged, no way. I pulled up the dark hoodie over my face and began to speed up the pace.

I didn't want to be alone with him, not when there was nobody around campus. But he was getting closer, I could hear his footsteps scampering behind me. My heart started beating harder the more I ran down the parking lot, I was just about to set foot onto the pavement of the street when his hand took a firm hold of my shoulder. Keeping me rooted in place. Shit, I was so close, I almost made it.

He spun me around sharply, and I had to stiffle a gasp when his dark eyes peered coldly down on me. The sun was about to set when the wind howled. I really had to get home now; I tightened my grip around my books when he suddenly spoke in a grave voice "you're a fast runner Lukas. Have you ever considered trying out for the track team?" He asked curiously while he tried to catch his breath.

My eyes narrowed warily when they peered down at the hand that clasped my shoulder.

I wanted his hand off of me, I didn't like it when people touched me I thought I made that obvious. I shook my head. "You know you can talk to me Lukas, we're alone now. There's nothing to be afraid of; nobody's watching." He whispered drly as he removed his hand from my shoulder only to glide it up to my cheekbone. I shivered.

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