Chapter 15

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(Nikolas' POV)

“You’re a rouge.”

Was the first thing that popped out of Serge’s mouth. And just like that, all the weres in the pack growled at once, we were all trying to reel our wolfs back in. Our inner wolves were trying to come out, and it was hard fighting it. Even Serge had a hard time fighting his back, this wolf was a rouge for goddess’ sake. Surely he knew the consequences for stepping into another pack’s territory.

He is swimming in dangerous waters, and now he was going to pay the consequences. All of the wolves were growling lowly in the back of their throats, eager to have a piece of him. Serge barked out an order to reel our wolves back, most of the pack listened. But I was having hard time debating between listening to him, and ripping off the rouge’s bloody fucking throat off.

But it all changed within’ a matter of seconds when a strong and powerful scent wafted into the air. It had all of the wolves howling and whining, even the rouge. It now made more sense as to why this rouge came of our pack members was in heat. The arousal was strong, and it sent my wolf going haywire. But what was happening to me though? My body was having a mind of its own and wanted me to turn away from the rouge and finding that scent. No! Snap out of it Nikolas, you have a mate.

Even then, I couldn’t help my wolf, much less keep it in check,  it was hard trying to keep him in control, the scent of the arousal was so invigorating and inviting. “Everyone calm down!” Serge cried out. He was lucky that the scent didn’t do much of an affect on him. It only happened to unmated wolfs.  But that was the thing though...I was mated, I shouldn’t be feeling like this. And as strange as it was, I felt like this scent were specifically calling out to

My wolf was getting restless, and by now so were the other mateless pack members.  “Shit.” Callias cursed out.  “Dad!”  My head snapped up to the sound of Lukas’ hoarse cry, and almost instantly my wolf started reeling. It wanted to mark what was his. “Nikolas control yourself right now!” Callias barked out to me, shoving me back when all I wanted to do was rush up the stairs, and confirm my suspicions.

“Darren...go!”  I didn’t even need to look twice, to see him off on the run. I shook my head to break out of my trance, and there is no way in the world to describe my fear when I heard a scream shake up the walls of the house. “Nikolas...don’t!” He said firmly. My mate was in pain, and I wasn’t up there with him. He needed me. “Lukas needs me!” I cried out to him. Callias flinched, and looked around panic stricken when the other wolves including the rouge started sniffing the air and growled.  Callias reluctantly let me go, and I nodded my thanks when I rushed up the stairs and to Lukas’ room.

The sounds of Lukas’ low moans and groans, had my wolf wanting to protect our mate.  He was in pain, and he was uncomfortable. But the minute I took a couple of steps forward, I almost instantly regretted it. His scent hit me so hard that it slapped me across the face. I covered a hand over my mouth. “It hurts.” Lukas said.

“Do not take another step through that door Nikolas.” My body stiffened when I turned around and winched when I saw Callias there with his arms crossed. “I know the scent is strong but you’re stronger, control your wolf. Your eyes are changing.” He added, pushing his way through as he nudged his shoulder with mine.

“Callias get over here!” Callias ran past me, and I was having trouble trying to keep my feet planted onto the ground. I gulped hard, shaking a little when I forced my body to take a couple of steps back but not even that was helping the situation. My wolf was furious with me, what was I doing? Why was I resiting? My mate was trembling in front of me like a frightened child and I couldn’t move. It was like this invisible force was holding me back. And yet, I couldn’t ignore the call of his body. The scent of his arousal went straight to my southern region. “How is this happening?” Darren said shakily while bringing his hand up to his son’s forehead. “He’s burning up fast Callias!” He cried.

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