Chapter 5

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Its been a few days since Nikolas kept on calling and messaging me. But I ignored each and every one of them since that night. I don't regret ignoring him, even though I can't fight that small twinge of guilt every time I did. But I shouldn't feel guilty, after all, he doesn't care about me so why should I care about him? My dad was right about him. I should just ignore him, I sat on my bed and curled up my knees against my chest while I wrapped my arms around them.

My head was firmly and comfortably placed on top of them, and my eyes couldn't help but dart to the phone every now and then expecting a vibration of a text message. He might not know it, but I read each and every one of those texts that he sent me. Who was I kidding? I couldn't ignore him, and I hated it. There was something about him that drew me to him, my insides soared and fluttered every time he's name and face popped up in my head.

I couldn't help but blush like a schoolgirl everytime I closed my eyes and pictured him winking at me. But then...every time that I did, his hug with my uncle Logan would come flying through and popping my bubble like a needle. A frown worked its way on my face when the phone began to vibrate again on my nightstand, but instead of rushing up to it clumsily I let it vibrate. It was Sunday afternoon today, and I wasn't looking forward to school tomorrow at all.

I didn't want to see Mr. Eriksson that day, or anybody really. After the pack meeting was over, I spent most of my weekend locked up in my room reading. Just hoping that my books would take me off into another world.

Somewhere far away from here, a place where I would feel like I belonged. The door on my right knocked, making my eyes twitch a little when I was forced to scramble up and out of my bed and answer the door. Though..I instantly found myself regretting it when I did, it was uncle Logan.

If it were anybody else behind that door I would have closed the door flat on their faces. But since he was the Alpha's mate, I had to show my respect. I stepped aside and let him walk in before shutting the door with a bang. From the corner of my eye I didn't miss the way that uncle Logan flinched at the sound. I leaned against one of the book shelves and crossed my arms.

I didn't really want to see anybody right now. Much less talk. Uncle Logan cleared his throat awkwardly, as his eyes darted around my room. My eyes narrowed a little suspiciously when he did. I didn't know what his purpose was for showing up at my room, but I wanted him out. And I made it obvious. Uncle Logan sighed as his body swiveled around towards me. "Lukas, your parents are worried about you." Sure they are.

"You haven't walked out of your room at all since the last pack meeting." I scowled and looked away from him when my body began to lean against the edge of the bookshelf lazily. "And your point?" I responded flatly with a slight edge in my voice. My uncle's eyebrows rose slightly at my tone, but I couldn't bring myself to care. "What's going on Lukas?" He asked after he let out a deep sigh.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, like he didn't know. I stood up straight and was about to walk up to the window when I froze at his next few words. "Is this about what happened between Nikolas and I?" He asked incredulously. I gulped hard and fought through the tears when my eyes fluttered harshly. I still didn't answer him. My eyes widened though when I heard a low, and small growl emitting from behind me.

"I do not like it when you ignore me Lukas. You are my nephew, and you need to respect me." He growled. He may be my alpha, but he wasn't my father. I crossed my eyebrows, and refused to turn around. By now, any were would have submitted to his alpha tone but I couldn't feel my wolf. I didn't know how my wolf looked like since I made my first shift. Its numb to me, and to my Alpha.

"Lukas, Nikolas and I have no relation whatsoever, you know perfectly well that my heart is fully devoted to your Alpha, the love of my life, my mate." He said with finality. I was still suspicious, even if there wasn't anything going on between them, something in me told me that there was. I could see it in Nikolas' eyes, from the way he looked at him, held him, to the way that he spoke to him. My insides began to boil again at the thought.

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