Chapter 11

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My eyes narrowed hard at them when uncle Logan and Darren rushed up to the strangers and gave them a tight bear hug. I gulped, my throat feeling as dry as cotton, and a tight frown began to work its way onto my face when my brothers did the same. It was so unusual to see them like that, especially when things were so tense just now.  

I felt a little uneasy when one of them turned around and smiled softly at me, his eyes were filled with longing as he did. I felt something warm and wet trail down onto my cheekbones and I blushed when those green eyes looked up at Nikolas.

“Is this Lukas, Darren?” He asked curiously, while his eyes sparkled. My dad turned around to me and smiled cheekily before nodding his head. The man with green eyes started coming towards me slowly, and it made me stiffen. Strangers always made me feel uncomfortable.

As if sensing my distress, Nikolas combed a hand through my hair which did help but not much. When the stranger were right in front of me, he knelt down to my height and smiled…”hello Lukas, i’m your grandpa Jeeves.” He whispered.  I tried to flash him my pearly whites, but it felt forced so I just wiped it off of my face. I curled myself into Nikolas instead.

“And you are?” He asked flatly, as his eyes darted up to Nikolas, who  winced a little when he noticed that the man with green eyes stared at the geometric shapes and markings on one of Nikolas’ arms. “Dad, you really did come at a bad time, you should have called.” Uncle Logan murmured as he walked up to the other stranger. But Jeeves kept glancing over Nikolas’ markings, and I hated the look that he was giving him.

I refused to accept them as my grandparents.

He just got here unannounced and he was already hating  on Nikolas. It sent a firey wave of anger coursing through my body. It had the veins in my neck pulsating. I hated it when people judged other people just by looking at them, they think they know their whole story when they do. “The dark mark.” Jeeves whispered.

“Lukas.” My eyes snapped open to uncle Logan’s. “They are your grandparents, Jack and Jeeves.” I gave them a once over and nodded curtly, Jack frowned instantly when he noticed how disappointed Jeeves was.  They really shouldn’t be here, my uncle was right, they didn’t come at the right time.

The rest of the night was long, and I refused to acknowledge either them, no matter how hard they tried to get on my good side. I sat by Nikolas on the sofa set the entire time they stood in the same room across from us.  I could barely make out the family’s talk without boring myself to death. A yawn slipped past my lips when I let my head fall lazily and plump against Nikolas’ shoulder.

“We must leave as soon as possible.” Jack demanded,  his voice cold and hoarse as he stood up from the loveseat and crossed his arms, he just got here and he’s already trying to take orders? I’m really not liking this guy, uncle or not.

“Yes...and seeing as you already are aware of the location’s premises I need you to take care of my son, and lead Nikolas and Lukas there safely.” Callias said with finality, I was fighting the urge to leave the room but I couldn’t. I really didn’t want to be here, the only thing that kept me from falling apart was sitting right next to me.  I felt stuck, and rooted in place, it was too much. “You okay?” Nikolas whispered against my earlobe, making my cheeks catch fire. I blushed and nodded, trying to convince him that I was.

“Then we’ll have to leave in the morning Callias, the winter season is hot on our trails and its going to be a rough one this year. Its best to leave in the morning to avoid the snowfall at night.” Great, now i’m really not looking forward to this at all.  “Very well, but you’ll have to go on foot though.” My dad  said, “why is that? It would be much faster to go in our wolf forms.” I winced, feeling slightly upset that my dad had to touch that subject, and I could tell that by the look in his eyes he felt sorry about it. I really wanted to crawl into a hole and die. “I’m afraid that my son’s wolf can’t shift yet….” Like the whole world didn’t already know, he just added the icing to the flipping cake.

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