Chapter 17

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I had more than my fair share of near death experiences and so did this pack. Were we really marked for disaster? We'd escape trouble time and time and again but it always comes back to us. Even if I do run off with Nikolas, it won't make things any easier. The door to my room suddenly opened with a bang, shaking up the walls as I jumped and turned to see the alpha in all his glory. He was angry, i've never seen him so mad before. What made him so angry that he had to barge through the door like that? He may be the alpha, but we were still family.

That didn't make things between us any different...besides, he almost broke my door. "We are having a pack meeting between the neighboring packs and ours tonight." He gritted out through clenched teeth before his sharp eyes turned into a darker shade of yellow. The alpha balled his hands into tight fists before closing his eyes as he tried to breathe through his nose. "I expect all of you to be present tonight. Regardless of the circumstances." I flinched when he barked out the last few words as he looked directly at me. Instantly making me feel miniscule compared to his monstrous frame.

He turned his cold eyes to his mate in disapproval, and I watched with dread as his face contorted into a fierce glare. I stiffened when I heard Nikolas give out a hoarse chuckle, before he tsked with his teeth... "Lukas, can't be there tonight and you know it Serge." Nikolas argued as he stepped forward making the alpha snap his head sharply and emit a low and deep growl at him. "Are you defying me Nikolas? You are in no position to speak back to me, my word is law." He sneered, as a shiver ran down my spine at the threat. "I'm aware..." He drawled out while rolling his eyes, what was he doing?

"Don't have a cow on me now. You're much too old for that." He smirked as he watched in satisfaction as the alpha's eyes flashed into slits. "But yeah no, Lukas is my mate. He can't make it to the meeting, not while his body wants to jump my bones. You wouldn't want a live porn show at the meeting now would you?" He chuckled hoarsely as my cheeks began to burn at his bluntness. The alpha stiffened at that as realisation began to slowly dawn on him...but I could still feel the anger radiating off of of him in waves. Something was wrong with the alpha.

"Besides, as sexy as that would be I don't think that you would want to see your nephew in such a vulnerable position now would ya'?" Nikolas had more nerve then a fox in a hen house, he knew where to touch all of the alpha's buttons without getting his head ripped off. If another wolf from the pack were to speak to him like that they would be dead in a heartbeat. A tick began to form in the alpha's jawline, and I could see his vein throbbing wildly against the side of his neck.

Nobody ever speaks to the alpha the way that Nikolas does. Its derogatory under lycan ruling but not even Nikolas had limits...even when it comes it authority. "Don't push your luck with me Nikolas...I mean it, everyone attends the meeting. No one is exempt from it." I stepped towards Nikolas and looped my arm with his, I was trying to keep his temper in check, mostly for his wolf's sake. The alphas' words did nothing to calm Nikola's wolf, it only succeeded in riling him up even further. And that worried me, I never really understood much of the alpha and Nikolas' resentment towards each other but I was tired of seeing another problem spark up because of me.

It was always because of me, tears started to streak down my cheeks again before I sniffed and dabbed them away pathetically "Lukas?" I turned, and felt wary by the tone of his voice. It was too cold and too careful to belong to my was the voice of an alpha, and his face only matched his empty, hard voice. I clung onto Nikolas letting his warm scent sink in as I tried to pull myself together.

I needed Nikolas like I needed the air to breathe and for the moment, I wanted to disappear with him, despite the odds that hanged over our heads. I wanted to be in a world where it was just the two of us, and where we didn't have to deal with the hunters, and the rogues, and the pack. "I'm sorry for the unnecessary stress Lukas..." I looked at him then, "damn straight it's unnecessary!" Nikolas snapped, holding me closer to him. "What do you know Serge?" I stared at Nikolas incredulously as he stepped around me and stalked right up to him so that he and the alpha were on a stare down.

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