Chapter 4/ Starting of sleepover

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•Ame's pov•
Next day, I woke up pretty late, I took my phone and saw one message, it was suprising from russia, he said:
R: Good morning.
A: Good morning, bro
Not long and he replyed
R: Did you just woke up?
A: yeah?
R: pfft, sleepy head
I felt how my cheeks soft hot up, I smiled and replyed happy
A: well, at least I am healthy!
R: pfft, yeah, so what are you going to do today?
A: well, First I need to help my dad, after that I am free
R: do you want to meet up?
A: sure!
R: kay, text me when you're done with helping
A: kay!
I smiled happily and put the phone away, jumping up and changing clothes, I run downstairs and eat something to breakfast, after that I straight helped my dad with some things and called russia, talking with him on the phone, also made me heat up my cheeks, but I didnt mind, We made out a place where we will meet and I smiled warm, slowly I dressed myself, I had some time so I decided what I will wear today, I took my sunglasses, a hoodie with ‚nasa' on it and some pair if jeans, of course I looked if they where clean first, then I went to the bathroom, making myself ready and leaving the house to the place where we meet up together.

•Rus's pov•

I didn't even understand why I asked america to meet up with him, I don't even know if I even like him a bit, but whatever, I got up and walked to my closet, looking for some clothes, I took a adidas jacket and a white shirt, with some normal jeans, I looked into the mirror and nodded, then I took my hat and put it on, I walked over to my bathroom and checked if I was okay in my face, after that I left the house, I walked straight to there where we should met up, I soft smiled but it soon faided, after a while I saw america in the distance, waiting, probably for me, I walked over and greeted him „hey merica.", „oh! Hey russia! I was waiting for you!", I smiled and nodded „so how are you?", „ Im good dude! How about you?" I smiled „good", „glad to hear that bro!" I then looked around and then back down at america „so what now?", „hm...lets go for a walk?" I agreed and we started to walk, I soft had a smile on my cheek, why, I don't somehow makes me happy to be with america, but it couldn't be That I liked him more then a friend... My dad tho would never agree to that, After a while we passed a caffee and I looked at it „you want to go in it?" I asked, he stopped walking and looked ink smiling „sure!"
After that we entered it, I looked around and sat down on a free table, not long after that so did america, I smiled and got myself a Tshai (russian tea), america got himself a coffee, we chatted a little about our family's, life and other much things, after we drank our drinks I payed for them, we left and we went for a walk again, after some couple of hours it got slowly dark and I sighed smiling „well, Guess I need to go soon" America the turned to me „hmm, what about we make a sleepover?" „oh, sleepover? Sounds good" I smiled and agreed, I swear I saw america blushing, but maybe I just Imagined it, anyways I agreed and I called my dad on his phone, he also agreed and I smiled warm, Me and america then returned to my house and waked both in, I took my stuff because I would sleep over in america's house, after he said his brother and his das will
Probably be busy with other stuff and not at home, We went then to his house and I put my things down, taking my shoes off, he showed me around and we sat on the couch....slowly silent appeared...he then tapped at my shoulder and I looked at him, he looked at me and wanted to say something...



„What do you think about me?"


„Its okay, just tell me"

„You're one of the best persons I've ever met"

„Are you serious?"


I saw how america came closer..and-

753 words
Im Proud of myself of this chapter yay!
I hope
You like it and Yes I am letting you guys suffer! Because maybe it isn't even happening what you're thinkinge :) no one knows :3 just me- but anyways, I hope y'all have a wonderful weekend!

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