Chapter 11/ Moon light

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I AM REALLY SORRY GUYS FOR THAT THAT I WAS NOT POSTING SO LONG ;-; SCHOOL WAS STARTING AND I really got into a rough time. Exam's and at home it wasn't great at all. I had to deal with problems and some ‚mentally' problems. But Im fine now^^ I was working myself up and now I am here in a good mood again to post and write again!

Anyways have fun to read!


•Rus POV.•
Me and canada finally met up infront of a store with ukraine too. I looked at them, then around „, what do we do?" I asked. Glancing over to them, they probably noticed that I am in a pretty bad mood. But well. Everyone would know why probably.

Ukraine looked at me with a worried look „ did you look throught his stuff??"

I nodded.

Canada nodded „hm..what about if we go and ask some nations??"

Ukraine looked at me and then at canada and nodded „yes!"

I sighed a little and nodded „alright. But with who do we start first?" I asked looking at them.

Canada thought a little „..Hm..I would start with...Germany. Maybe he can help us more? He's also pretty smart. So Lets ask him"

I thought about it for a moment and then nodded „Alright, lets go." then I walked off with them, to germany's home.

•POTATO HEAD POV. (Germany)•

I was working. And working. And working. And more working.
It was exhausting, all the time just to do paper work, but well if I want my land to be good and clean..I need to work a lot.
Soon I heard a knock at the door. I was suprised and went to the door, opening- okay lets say some sertan U S S R slammed it open and pushed me out of the way! I groaned a bit in pain since the door hit my face. I sighed and looked at him, then closed the door „...why-„, „where is your dad?" he asked, I just sighed „In the office.." I kind of mumbled. He nodded and left to the office, I just heard the door slam open and then slam closed. I rolled my eyes and then heard another knock, I went to open the door just TO GET AGAIN FROM A SERTAN RUSSIAN THE DOOR INTO MY FACE SO HARD THAT I FELL BACK ON THE FLOOR.
Ukraine and Canada helped me up and apologized. Russia just glared at me, I shivered at it. What did I do ??? I asked myself as I nodded „its okay guys..why are you here anyways?" I asked as canada began to speak „My brother got kidnapped...we dont know from We wanted to ask if you could help us out.." he said

I nodded of course. Why would I not help? I mean okay american can be sometimes toxic and annoying but still he can be alright.

So I led them to my office. I heard a thud in my dad's office and got worried, I stopped walking and leaned to the door, listening, the others just gave me a confused look.

•Ussr's pov.•

I slammed the door open and walked into the office, slamming the door shut again.

I looked over to HIM.

I still hate him so much.

Why is he alive again?

Eh, Thats not important.

I went over to him and it seemed that he was a little confused that I was here. I just ignored the look and sat on a chair infront of him, he then just started to smirk to cover his confusion.

Even if I could see he was confused. I dont really care tho.

He asked me „Oh Ussr~ what are you doing here? Didn't expect you to visit me. Old ‚friend'"

I glared at him „first of all. Im not here to visit you and second Im sure not your ‚friend' third I am here to ask you out." I said with a dark glare.
He just grinned. Oh how I hated that grin. I wish I could rip it out of his stupid face and f*cking punch his ugly face.

„Ah? Hear me out? What did I do again? How I can remember I was doing nothing?" he said with a chuckle.

That man was up
With something. I just crossed my arms „anyways. America is gone. No one knows where. He got kindapped. And Im
Asking you. Where is he." I said harsh.

He looked at me and though „hmmm, I didnt saw him anywhere That toxic guy was with that russian guy around who was that again, right your son, ohhh man they looked so lovely dovely-„

I got up quickly and slammed my hand on the table, Third reich just looked up at me with an innocent smile.

„I am not here to hear out what is up with them. I am here to fucking ask. WHERE. IS. HE."

He chuckled.
He got up
He grabbed the collar of my shirt.
And he pulled at it. Making me and him get close to each other, he whispered in my ear „Find him~" he whispered and grinned.

I was startled at first.

What was this?

What was wrong with me?

I couldnt feel a heartbeat for a moment.

It was like...


Like I was...

...Totally frozen?

He grinned and looked at me, Pulling me close to him „you know ussr~ playing with your enemies is fun~ especially their son~" he whispered.

I started to glare at him „and what do you want to say about that"

„I am just saying, that you should look closer at your son's ~ you're missing something there~ something. I n t e r e s t i n g."

He chuckled darkly.

I glared darkly at him

He tugged at the collar of my shirt.

I looked at him

Before I could do anything else.

Our lips met.

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