Chapter 13/ My love

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•Russia's Pov.•

I heard that TR woke up. I waited for the others to return. Waiting.

All I wanted is to have murica back.

I love him so much.

Why is it a bad thing to love him?

I dont care. Whatever will happen. I will save him.

As I waited not long after they've returned, they looked at me and sighed „Soo.." ukraine spoke.

„Uhm..TR disappeared.." canada said.

I looked at them.

I got up


„W-we dont know! H-he just wasnt there anymore! First off we thought he hide! But he isnt there! Now dont go rampage! It wont help either!" germany said.

I sighed and tried hard to stay calm.

As I thought I groaned

„Germany is there any Basement from TR which you could know?"

At that Germany nodded quickly „yeah I remember! Once I heard my dad leave the house, not long ago in the night! I followed him since I was suspicious and saw it, but didnt walked in since I didnt knew if It was dangerous or not.." the german spoke.

I nodded „alright Show us where it is"

As that he nodded and we went to get some stuff like I got a knife and a gun...and my dad- since he wanted to go with us.

Ukraine took a first aid kit with him if something would happen.

As we walked out he said „it will be a while when we arrive it'll be probably lunch time then. To be sure before we go in I took sandwhiches with us to eat. We dont know how long we need to be there and we need to hold our strength up." we nodded in agreement and we soon also arrived, it was a pretty long way we kind of walked 2 hours.

We looked at the hidden door and thought, I took the hande and tried to open it.

It was locked.

Of course.

„I guess we need to stay here in the near to wait t'ill some-„

I knocked the door down

„ooooorrrr we do that." the german said and walked in with everyone.

The others and me held their gun up and looked around suspicious, we walked in and slowly walked in the hallway, I sighed and got a bad feeling.

As we walked it was pretty dark. Just little lights above us where shining, we walked until we saw a door, I sighed and went first in, seeing...


I ran over and germany tried to stop me because it could be a trap,

I dont care

Murica is there and I want to go to him!

I ran over and hugged him, he flinched and trembled.

What did TR do to him?

I cupped his cheeks and peeked his lips, tears streaming down my face

„R-russia.." america starred at me suprised. I gave him a little smile and a nod.

He smiled back and looked at me softly.

I smiled but then noticed the chains, I sighed and tried to open them. Gladly I could. The others where standing already beside us. Ussr with an..unamused look, but I dont care.

When We got up his legs trembled, he didnt eat well since all that days, You could tell since he got really thin.

I picked him up on my back and then germany walked to the door.

It was locked.

I tried to kick it down and my dad tried. But it was not a light door like in the exit.

I knew it. The bad feeling. Shit.

I heard then laughted throught speaker, it was TR.


„HAHAHAHAHA! Howwww cute~ you found him! Congrats ~ but now, try to find a way out~ the funny thing is, there isnt! HAHAAH!" TR yelled and then something in my ears trummed. I quickly fell to my knees and groaned, holding my ears shut.

A weird sound in my ear trummed loudly. Really loud. I couldnt understand what the others tried to say to me. I noticed blood coming out of my nose.

T'ill I passed out.

A never ending love~|RusAme| countryhumans|NSFW|Where stories live. Discover now