Chapter 5/Sleepover

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Slowly he came closer and-

And I felt his lips meeting mine, I blushed heavy and was suprised by the sudden kiss, But...somehow I felt this was right, I slowly kissed back and closed my eyes, I noticed him smiling into the kiss so I blushed and smiled back, after a while we pulled away for air and looked at each other...mostly staring.



„....did you like it?"

I thought ...did I? I don't know...Im so confused...I ...I ..I think I actually like it..I felt warm..happy...just what normal love would feel....right? So I nodded in response

He smiled soft and came to me, giving me another kiss and I kissed back, he leaned his head at my shoulder and I slowly wrapped my arms around him, cuddling him pretty close and blushing, he also blushed, I've could see that

•Ame's Pov.•

I couldn't believe it..He like m-me...I was so happy...I felt so warm and happy like never before..I cuddled up to him and smiled soft, blushing, slowly, I felt dizzy and fell asleep in his arms, I noticed in my sleep that russia layed down with me, and I smiled.

*-Time sKIIpPPP-*

Suddenly I woke up, looking up at russia which was asleep, I smiled and looked at my phone, it was 3:55Am In the morning, I sighed and kissed russia soft, he woke up „S-sorry I didn't mean-"
But I was being interrupted by russia into a deep kiss, I blushed heavy and kissed back, smiling into the kiss, after a while we stopped because we needed to breath, I smiled and leaned my head at his chest, he cuddled me
Close and I cuddled back, drifting back to sleep while smiling.

I know its a short chapter qwq Im sorry! Im just so unmotivated to write this! Sorrryyyyyyyy ;;;; I'll try to find my Motivation back!

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