Chapter 12/ Unexpected Turns

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⚠️ IMPORTANT: ⚠️ Author-chan here! I hope everyone of you guys is enjoying this story! I am really trying now posting ever 1-2 days! Just I will be in one week for 1 week in spain so Im not sure if there will be a chapter! But I'll try hard to get one or more out there! Now have fun to read!
Our lips met.

•Russia's Pov.•

As I looked at germany listening I got annoyed from it, I shoved him away and noticed it was TR's room (I'll call Third Reich now TR) I remembered the fight and glared, I quickly knocked down the door.

What I saw.

I never wanted to see this.

I just, starred at them, seeing TR, kiss my. Dad.

I saw TR pull away and Ussr look in shock, TR glanced at me and grinned darkly, Then Ussr noticed the glance and looked over to me. It seemed like he frozed. The others also saw it and where in shook.

I walked over.

I don't remember much. Its like, just made snap in my head, I couldnt control myself anymore from the anger, stress and everything.

It was too much.

But I'll try to explain short what happened.

I grabbed TR and slammed him at the wall, just to beat him up. Until my dad and the others tried to hold me back, my dad even needed to pin me down with my hands on my back and me laying with my belly on the floor trying to get out of the grasp. I was
So angry.
So stressed.
So frustrated.
So mad.

Just..too much emotions..too much...

But because of the how much emotions overflowed me. I passed out, I woke up to find myself On a bed, it..seemed
Like morning? I looked around and noticed it was germany's bed, since the german flag was on the wall and a lot of paperwork on german on his table. I rubbed my head and sighed, I walked downstairs only to see them sitting at the table and eating breakfast.

They glanced over to me and looked worried at me, I just looked away and sat down.

I heard canada ask „russia are you-„

„Im okay" „but-„

„I said Im fine." I said and looked at him.

He just looked down and nodded.

Ukraine sighed and couldnt say anything to this.

Germany went to me and gave me
My breakfast.

I slowly started to eat it but didnt ate all. I wasnt that motivated to eat.

He noticed it and gave me a suspicious look.

I just stayed silent.

I didnt really felt anything at this point to be honest.

Its like every feeling of me is out.

„Where's my dad?" I asked.

Germany sighed and said „In the livingroom he wants to be alone-„

I got up and rushed to there.

Ukraine shook his head.

I saw him sitting there, burrying his face in his hands, I walked over and sat infront if him, startling him a bit, he then looked away.

„Im waiting for a good explanation"

„He pulled me into the kiss. I never expected that." he said. I should believe him. At this point he shouldnt lie to me. Wouldnt be a good thing.

„And why where you here at the first place?"

He sighed

„...I wanted to find america firs-„

„And why"
I interrupted him.

„Because I dont want him and you dating." he said with a serious expression looking at me.

Right now, I kind of didnt felt scared. I cant feel that at this point, its like everything died in me.

„I dont care what you want. I want to be happy. If you wont
Let me do that. You can leave me alone." I said harshly.

He looked at me.

I then got up and left back to the others, they looked a bit suprised that There was no yelling or anything. I sat down and looked out of the window.

The only thing I am feeling right now.

Is that I really miss America right now.

„Where's TR?" I asked, the others flinched a bit.

„.......Im sorry but we cant tell you...."

„And why is that." I said and looked at then serious.

„Because of how you raged..when he wakes up. We will talk to him." they said.

I sighed „alright. Just that I remember again, when I found france before, TR was there too. I punched him and he fell off the stairs. I think he does is the one which caused this."

Germany just sighed and groaned a bit „why always my dad" he said out.

I sighed „we cant change that, at least you're different" I said

„Yeah.." he said and then looked at me.

I sighed and starred out the window again, it was really weird..yesterday I felt so
Much..but today almost nothing..


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