Chapter 6/smuth~

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{ WARINING HERE WILL BE  DIRTY STUFF GOING ON (just a warning if you're at school or with your family/friends)}
•Rus's pov•
Now it was 3 weeks ago after me and america got together and I was really happy, I also think he was really happy, anyways, he wrote me that he will
Probably be alone at home for 2 days and He asked if I want to come over, of course I didn't mind and grabbed my stuff at home for the sleepover, I was taking a shower at home before I went to him, after I finished with packing all my stuff I took them and walked out, writing my sister that I will be at americas house for 2 days, when I arrived I knocked on the door and not long after that I saw a hyper america swinging the door open and wrapping his arms around my neck and giving me kisses, I kissed back and smiled happily „missed you too~" I greeted and entered the house with him in my arms, when we entered I looked around and smiled, everything was still the same, he and me
Walked over to
The couch and sat down, he leaned at me and smiled warm „do you want to watch a
Movie russia?" I agreed with a small nod, he smiled happily „sooo, I have this one..this one anddd..those ones!" he showed me
Some of the movies and I choosed one, he put the movie on and grabbedn some snacks with a blanket, also he took the light off before sitting beside
Me and cuddled into my chest while we leaned back at the couch

After a while like 1 hour I noticed America struggling weak and he had a heavy blush on his face

„America are you okay?"

He seemed shooked for that I've noticed it „u-uhm....y-yeah!"

I sighed and looked for a fever, but he didn't had one, I titled my head.

•Ame's pov•

/Oh god oh god, If he finds out...shit. MAN I HATE MY BODY WHY DOES THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN ALWAYS WHEN I DONT WANT TO/ I screamed in My head and then felt lips on mine and blushed even
More, I of course kissed russia back and my erection got harder, I whined silent and closed my eyes, I didn't could resist anymore and bite russia's lips soft, he yelped soft and I entered his mouth with my tongue, exploring, while we did that He fell with me
On the couch, me beeing on top, then I felt his strong arms grabbing at mine and I pulled out confused

•Third's pov•

The larger country switched positions with the a little smaller country, russia smirked down at him with a blush and went to his neck, biting and sucking at it, making some hickeys and smiling at them, the other country under him moaned soft and yelped softly sometimes, there was obviously he was in heat, but russia got also in heat slowly and russia took
Of both of them their shirts off, making them both more blush, russia went down america's body and bite his side soft, the other country moaned soft and breathed heavy, after that russia noticed he was ready and he smiled, pulling from both of them their pants off and then the boxers, russia smiled at the blushing mess under him and he slowly lifted america's waist, going infront of his entrance (of
Course the ass cough cough-) he looked at america „are you sure about this?", he nodded silent and smiled, after that russia thrusted in, making it slowly so america wouldn't feel hurt, america soft whined and looked away, russia waited a moment and didn't do anything, until
He noticed americas face got more chill on it, he then started to thrust in and out faster and faster with each thrust, america was now a moaning and blushing mess at the same time and he got pretty fast used to the feeling and his moaning became into just pleasured moans, russia smiled and keep thrusting, sweating soft, america then looked at him „r-russia..I-Im about to- A-Ahhh~" before he could finish his sentence he came, after that russia came too, panting heavy, both of then where painting and breathing heavy, russia slowly pulled out and layed with america down, cuddling him close „Love you russia~", „я тебя тоже люблю~" (translation: I love you too)the russian said, making america smile after that, both of them slowly drifted into sleep.


Okay Im embarrassed of this yes- andddddd Dont judge me- this is the first time I wrote About smuth owo

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