Kinley: Chapter Three

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A\N: Hey guys good job on the goal!!! You're goal to access Ch. 4 is...... 110 reads or 20 votes! Come on guys I know you can do it!! I would like more comments\votes please! You guys are amazing and keep reading! Hope you enjoy! Xx



The last thing I remember was that I tried to escape the group of boys and then everything went black. I wake when something cold touches my face. When I open them I swear I see Liam Payne holding an ice pack to my face, I must still be dreaming.

“Are you okay babe?” Harry walks up behind Liam and asks.

“Wait this is real?” I exclaim, “Where am I?”

“You’re at the fair in London, you were hit, by a boy when they surrounded you.” Niall says through gritted teeth.

Is this real life? Did the boys really come and save me?

“Oh good!” Zayn exclaims, “You’re awake!”

“Yeah, I really think I’m still dreaming.” I accidentally say aloud.

They all laugh and help me from the blanket I was laying on in the grass.

“You aren’t dreaming, love.” Louis says, “Do you want to hang out with us?”

I stood there. I probably looked like an idiot standing there smiling. One Direction wants to hang out with me? Me?

“Babe?” Louis says, waving a hand in my face.

I snap out of my thoughts and look down the line of the boys.

“Please babe, I-I mean we just want to keep you safe.” Niall says, before a hot blush spreads across his face.

I start to blush to. I look at the ground smiling. I really can’t believe this is real life. Why would they care about me? I’m just you’re average fourteen year old girl, there is nothing special about me.

“I would love to.” I say, smiling, “But, I have a friend here and I need to find her, she is my ride home.”

“She left.” Harry says, “She saw that you got punched by that guy too.”

“What?” I exclaim.

“It’s okay, ummm- what’s your name?” Liam asks.

“Kinley.” I say.

“Right, Kinley.” He continues, “Niall had us get of the Ferris wheel to rescue you right after you got punched, He picked you up and your friend caught up to him.”

“We told her that we would make sure you were okay and that we will take you home.” Louis finishes, “Now can we please go back to the Ferris Wheel?”

“Fine, let’s go.” Liam sighs.

Niall walks extremely close to me on the walk to the Ferris wheel. It’s not uncomfortable though. It makes me feel safe. I hope they want to be friends. It would be cool to have them as friends. Of course, I know I will never have a chance with them. They must know I’m fourteen. I mean, those boys that were bothering me, they are desperate for any girl, although they did ask if I was seventeen. Oh well, I bet these boys are smart enough to realize I’m much younger than them.

We get into the Ferris wheel line and we don’t have to wait long. The boys sign a couple autographs and then they finish we are at the front of the line.

“Come on Kinley!” Louis shouts, “Ride with Liam and I!”

I start to hand the ticket man two tickets when I see that Niall shoots a glare at Louis.

“Never mind Kinley, I think Zayn wanted to ride with me and Liam this time.” Louis says nervously. “Would you like to ride Niall and Haz instead?”

“It doesn’t matter to me.” I say, turning and smiling at Harry and Niall.

The both smile back brightly. I watch as Liam, Lou, and Zayn load into the first cart, Louis is sitting in the middle. They rotate backwards and an open cart comes forward. I start to hand the man my tickets when Niall pushes my hand down.

“I got it.” He says, handing the man four tickets.

I look up at Niall and smile, I guess I never realized how tall I was for my age, the top of my head came to his mouth.

“Thanks.” I say, as he lets me walk first through the gate.

I sit in the middle. I didn’t tell the boys this, but I’m terrified of heights. I start to shake as we get closer to the top. When I’m with Niall for some reason I feel safe. I hope he doesn’t feel awkward as I lean against him trying to comfort myself. I guess he could feel me shaking because he looks at me, concerned.

“Are you okay?” he asks.

“Yeah.” I say, “I’m just a little scared of heights.”

“Why didn’t you tell us, babe?” Harry asks, now also looking concerned.

“I’ll be okay guys, stop worrying so much!” I say, teasingly pushing both the guys on the shoulders.

“Louis! Zayn! Stop rocking the cart!” I hear Liam whine.

“Don’t be such a baby.” Louis giggles.

We glance up and see there cart rocking back in forth as Louis and Zayn have their hands in the air.

Niall, Harry and I look at each other and burst out laughing. The Ferris wheel ride comes to an end and we get off. We are all in a group walking to the next ride when Niall pulls me aside.

“Hey Kinley, I was wondering if we could exchange numbers.” He says, “I would like- I mean the lads and I would like to get to know you better.”

“That sounds fun to me!” I exclaim as we exchange phones and I type my number in his phone as he types his in mine.


When the fair starts to close, the boys turn to me.

“It’s been fun, Kinley.” Harry says, “We should get you home though.”

“What am I going to say about my bruise?” I ask, dreading all the questions soon to come from my parents.

“Tell them you hit you’re eye on one of the rides!” Louis says.

“Yeah that’s a good one!” Zayn says, high-fiving Lou.

I laugh at them and we start to walk out into the parking lot.

When we get to the car, unfortunately, it is small, Louis gets in the driver seat with Liam in the passenger seat.

“Where is Kinley going to sit?” Zayn asks.

“She’s going to have to sit in one your laps.” Liam says.

“If you want you can sit with me.” Niall says shyly.

“Okay.” I say crawling onto his lap after he gets in the car.

When we pull out of the parking lot, I tell Louis my address. My eye is really sore and it’s giving me a headache. Without thinking, I rest my head on Niall’s shoulder.

“Are you okay, babe?” He asks.

“My eye just hurts and I have a headache.” I respond.

“Let me fix it.” He says.

He leans in and places a soft kiss on the bruise under my eye.

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