Chapter 1:the preparation

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February 27 20XX

unknown clan world

As the sun was setting a boy named (Y/N) was reminiscing atop a hill about what happened when he has younger. The start of his next month there indicated that he will be the ned leader of the unknown clan.

(Y/N):its nice to be able to feel fresh air here

After a few minutes he stood up from the top of the hill and visited what looked like two gravestones with (Y/N)'s last name.

(Y/N):hey mom...hey about to be the leader of the clan...I know you guys are probably somewhere better but...I *sob* want you guys to know that *sob* I love you guys. You cared for me *sob* you loved me and *sob* made me happy...thanks alot.

After a few moments he went down the hill and started walking back home. After he got home,he played a game called crossfire: the reverie. He was a top notch player that was unbeatable.after playing for 3 hours he went to bed after eating dinner.

3rd pov

As four girls waited inside the elevator to reach the top it finally dinged. when the doors opened they see 2 men and a woman

??? :team rwby, what brings you here at my office?

An old man with white hair,glasses,and a cup of coffee said while sitting down behind the desk

???:oh prof. Ozpin we were gonna ask if you can supervise us about-

The black haird teen with red tips on the hair said while being interrupted by seeing a man that looks drunk.she charges at him and the man chuckles

???:*chuckle*woah there kiddo,you just nearly made me fall.

The man stood up trying to pull her off his arm

???:but uncle qrow,you know we dont normally see you here. I was -

Qrow: upupupup you know that you couldve made a mess in her right ruby?

Then the girl with yellow hair just came and dragged ruby off of qrow

Yellow:easy there rubes uncle qrow is right.

Ruby:but yang arent you happy to see him?

Yang:I am but your too hyper for this.

The girl with white hair and a girl with black hair goes straight to the point

White:sorry for the bother professor goodwitch

She said to the blonde teacher

Goodwitch:as long sa you're sorry weiss schnee

Weiss:thank you

Black:weiss lets just ask prof. Ozpin if he can supervise it.

Weiss:your right blake.(turns toward ozpin)
Prof. Ozpin can I ask if you can supervise us at our experiment at a nearby forest around lets say 3 days.we go on march the first. And its also a saturday so... we wanted to know if you can come with us

Ozpin:as I am curious with your "experiment",I think I will be able to.

Team RWBY:thank you

They head back to their dorms

Location: unknown clan world

After some training and morning routine, you decide to play the rest of the day but was interrupted by a friend

???:yo (Y/N),wanna grab a bite? My treat.

Your ears perked up and gladly said

(Y/N):sure...although you dont usually do this. Are you sick ayato?

Ayato:nahh I aint sick im just in a good mood. I mean after two days and nights you are gonna be the clan leader

(Y/N): aww thats kind of ya my friend. By the way have you seen-

Ayato: sayaka? She'right behind you

Sayaka:geez ayato I wanted to surprise him and you complete ly spoiled it.

The summoned fox Rwby x male gamer faunus readerWhere stories live. Discover now